Class and Function Naming
All SourcePro C++ class names start with the letters RW, as in RWInterval. In some cases, an instance of a class is referred to by an English name; for example, “the linear regression” instead of “the RWLinearRegression.” This makes the text easier to read when the meaning should be clear from context, but we use the specific form if there is possible ambiguity.
All function names begin with a lower case letter, with the first letter of subsequent words capitalized. Function names attempt to accurately describe what a function does. For example, RWInterval::lowerBound() returns an interval's lower bound. Underline characters and abbreviations are not generally used in function names.
In code examples, ellipses indicate that some part of the code is missing.
Throughout the documentation, there may be references to “self,” which should be understood to mean *this.