Deprecated APIs
SourcePro continues to enhance and extend the APIs it provides. In some cases, new APIs have been introduced that supersede previous APIs. These new APIs often provide cleaner interfaces, improved performance, or improved safety compared to the older functions. In these scenarios, the older functions have been deprecated, and are no longer recommended by SourcePro.
Deprecated APIs are listed on a page of the SourcePro API Reference Guide. Deprecated classes and members are still documented, but are clearly marked as deprecated at the beginning of their descriptions. The deprecation warning indicates the release in which the API became deprecated and suggests the new API to use.
To help you detect the use of deprecated APIs in your code, SourcePro provides a compilation macro RW_DISABLE_DEPRECATED. When RW_DISABLE_DEPRECATED is defined, all deprecated -SourcePro APIs are removed, causing compilation failures in any code that relies on them. You can use the information gained from these failures together with the guidance in the Class Reference documentation to update your code to rely on improved APIs.
NOTE: Deprecated APIs are still supported by SourcePro, but be aware that they may be removed from the product in a future release.