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This is the complete list of members for RWDecimalPortable, including all inherited members.
add enum value | RWDecimalBase | |
assign enum value | RWDecimalBase | |
asString() const | RWDecimalPortable | inline |
asString(const RWLocale &loc) const | RWDecimalPortable | |
BANKERS enum value | RWDecimalBase | |
binaryStoreSize() const | RWDecimalPortable | inline |
conversion enum value | RWDecimalBase | |
ctorError enum value | RWDecimalBase | |
div enum value | RWDecimalBase | |
DOWN enum value | RWDecimalBase | |
hash() const | RWDecimalPortable | inline |
infinitystate enum value | RWDecimalBase | |
isNumber() const | RWDecimalPortable | inline |
missingstate enum value | RWDecimalBase | |
mult enum value | RWDecimalBase | |
NaNstate enum value | RWDecimalBase | |
normal enum value | RWDecimalBase | |
nullstate enum value | RWDecimalBase | |
Op enum name | RWDecimalBase | |
operator RWCString() const | RWDecimalPortable | inline |
operator!=(const RWDecimalPortable &x, const RWDecimalPortable &y) | RWDecimalPortable | related |
operator*(const RWDecimalPortable &, const RWDecimalPortable &) | RWDecimalPortable | friend |
operator+(const RWDecimalPortable &, const RWDecimalPortable &) | RWDecimalPortable | friend |
operator-(const RWDecimalPortable &) | RWDecimalPortable | friend |
operator-(const RWDecimalPortable &x, const RWDecimalPortable &y) | RWDecimalPortable | related |
operator<(const RWDecimalPortable &x, const RWDecimalPortable &y) | RWDecimalPortable | friend |
operator<<(std::ostream &ostrm, const RWDecimalPortable &x) | RWDecimalPortable | related |
operator<=(const RWDecimalPortable &x, const RWDecimalPortable &y) | RWDecimalPortable | related |
operator=(const RWDecimalPortable &dp) | RWDecimalPortable | |
operator=(RWDecimalPortable &&dp) | RWDecimalPortable | |
operator==(const RWDecimalPortable &x, const RWDecimalPortable &y) | RWDecimalPortable | friend |
operator>(const RWDecimalPortable &x, const RWDecimalPortable &y) | RWDecimalPortable | related |
operator>=(const RWDecimalPortable &x, const RWDecimalPortable &y) | RWDecimalPortable | related |
operator>>(std::istream &strm, RWDecimalPortable &n) | RWDecimalPortable | related |
PLAIN enum value | RWDecimalBase | |
pow10op enum value | RWDecimalBase | |
powop enum value | RWDecimalBase | |
restoreFrom(RWvistream &vis) | RWDecimalPortable | |
restoreFrom(RWFile &file) | RWDecimalPortable | |
round(const RWDecimalPortable &, RWssize_t, RoundingMethod) | RWDecimalPortable | friend |
RoundingMethod enum name | RWDecimalBase | |
RWDecimalPortable() | RWDecimalPortable | inline |
RWDecimalPortable(const char *input) | RWDecimalPortable | |
RWDecimalPortable(long intPart) | RWDecimalPortable | inline |
RWDecimalPortable(const RWDecimalPortable &dp) | RWDecimalPortable | |
RWDecimalPortable(RWDecimalPortable &&dp) | RWDecimalPortable | |
RWssize_t typedef | RWDecimalPortable | related |
saveOn(RWvostream &vos) const | RWDecimalPortable | |
saveOn(RWFile &file) const | RWDecimalPortable | |
SNaNstate enum value | RWDecimalBase | |
State enum name | RWDecimalBase | |
sub enum value | RWDecimalBase | |
swap(RWDecimalPortable &rhs) | RWDecimalPortable | inline |
RWDecimalBase::swap(RWDecimalBase &rhs) | RWDecimalBase | inline |
toDouble(const RWDecimalPortable &) | RWDecimalPortable | friend |
toLongDouble(const RWDecimalPortable &) | RWDecimalPortable | friend |
trimZeros() | RWDecimalPortable | inline |
TRUNCATE enum value | RWDecimalBase | |
UP enum value | RWDecimalBase |
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