SourcePro® 2021.1 |
SourcePro® API Reference Guide |
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This is the complete list of members for RWDataInputStream, including all inherited members.
available() const | RWDataInputStream | inline |
body(void) const | RWHandleBase | inlineprotected |
close() | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getBool(bool &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getBools(bool *arrayPt, RWSize count) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getChar(char &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getCharacter(char &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getChars(char *arrayPt, RWSize count) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getDelimitedString(char *string, RWSize maxCount, char delim= '\0') | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getDelimitedUString(RWUChar *ustring, RWSize maxCount, RWUChar delim) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getDelimitedWString(wchar_t *wstring, RWSize maxCount, wchar_t delim=L'\0') | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getDouble(double &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getDoubles(double *arrayPt, RWSize count) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getFloat(float &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getFloats(float *arrayPt, RWSize count) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getInt(int &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getInts(int *arrayPt, RWSize count) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getLong(long &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getLongDouble(long double &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getLongDoubles(long double *arrayPt, RWSize count) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getLongLong(long long &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getLongLongs(long long *arrayPt, RWSize count) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getLongs(long *arrayPt, RWSize count) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getShort(short &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getShorts(short *arrayPt, RWSize count) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getSignedChar(signed char &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getSignedChars(signed char *arrayPt, RWSize count) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getSizeT(size_t &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getString(char *string, RWSize count) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getUCharacter(RWUChar &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getUnsignedChar(unsigned char &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getUnsignedChars(unsigned char *arrayPt, RWSize count) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getUnsignedInt(unsigned int &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getUnsignedInts(unsigned int *arrayPt, RWSize count) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getUnsignedLong(unsigned long &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getUnsignedLongLongs(unsigned long long *arrayPt, RWSize count) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getUnsignedLongs(unsigned long *arrayPt, RWSize count) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getUnsignedShort(unsigned short &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getUnsignedShorts(unsigned short *arrayPt, RWSize count) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getUString(RWUChar *ustring, RWSize count) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getWchar_t(wchar_t &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getWchar_ts(wchar_t *arrayPt, RWSize count) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getWCharacter(wchar_t &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
getWString(wchar_t *wstring, RWSize count) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
isBad() const | RWDataInputStream | inline |
isEof() const | RWDataInputStream | inline |
isFail() const | RWDataInputStream | inline |
isGood() const | RWDataInputStream | inline |
isValid(void) const | RWHandleBase | inline |
operator!=(const RWHandleBase &second) const | RWHandleBase | inline |
operator<(const RWHandleBase &second) const | RWHandleBase | inline |
operator=(const RWDataInputStream &handle) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
RWHandleBase::operator=(const RWHandleBase &second) | RWHandleBase | inlineprotected |
operator==(const RWHandleBase &second) const | RWHandleBase | inline |
operator>>(RWDataInputStream &(*pf)(RWDataInputStream &)) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
operator>>(RWDataInputStream(*pf)(RWDataInputStream &)) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
operator>>(bool &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
operator>>(char &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
operator>>(unsigned char &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
operator>>(signed char &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
operator>>(short &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
operator>>(unsigned short &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
operator>>(int &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
operator>>(unsigned int &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
operator>>(long &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
operator>>(unsigned long &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
operator>>(float &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
operator>>(double &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
operator>>(wchar_t &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
operator>>(long long &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
operator>>(long double &value) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
RWDataInputStream(RWDataInputStreamImp *ptr) | RWDataInputStream | inlineexplicit |
RWDataInputStream(const RWDataInputStream &handle) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
rwGuard(RWDataInputStream &stream) | RWDataInputStream | related |
RWHandleBase(void) | RWHandleBase | inlineprotected |
RWHandleBase(RWStaticCtor) | RWHandleBase | inlineprotected |
RWHandleBase(RWBodyBase *body) | RWHandleBase | inlineprotected |
RWHandleBase(const RWHandleBase &second) | RWHandleBase | inlineprotected |
skip(RWSize numUnits) | RWDataInputStream | inline |
~RWHandleBase(void) | RWHandleBase | inlineprotected |
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