SourcePro® 2021.1 |
SourcePro® API Reference Guide |
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This is the complete list of members for RWDBPrimaryKey, including all inherited members.
appendColumn(const RWCString &name, RWDBValue::ValueType type=RWDBValue::NoType, long storageLength=RWDB_NO_TRAIT, int nativeType=RWDB_NO_TRAIT, int precision=RWDB_NO_TRAIT, int scale=RWDB_NO_TRAIT, bool nullAllowed=true, RWDBColumn::ParamType paramType=RWDBColumn::notAParameter) | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
appendColumn(const RWDBColumn &col) | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
asString(const RWDBPhraseBook &pb) const | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
binaryStoreSize() const | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
clone() const | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
column(size_t index) const | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
column(const RWCString &name) const | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
column(const RWCString &name, RWCString::caseCompare caseCompare) const | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
columnName(size_t index) const | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
constraintName() const | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
constraintName(const RWCString &newName) | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
entries() const | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
errorHandler() const | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
index(const RWCString &name) const | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
index(const RWCString &name, RWCString::caseCompare caseCompare) const | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
index(const RWDBColumn &column) const | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
isEmpty() const | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
isValid() const | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
operator!=(const RWDBPrimaryKey &pk) const | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
operator<<(RWvostream &v, const RWDBPrimaryKey &pk) | RWDBPrimaryKey | friend |
operator<<(RWFile &f, const RWDBPrimaryKey &pk) | RWDBPrimaryKey | friend |
operator=(const RWDBPrimaryKey &pk) | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
operator=(const RWDBSchema &sch) | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
operator==(const RWDBPrimaryKey &pk) const | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
operator>>(RWvistream &v, RWDBPrimaryKey &pk) | RWDBPrimaryKey | friend |
operator>>(RWFile &f, RWDBPrimaryKey &pk) | RWDBPrimaryKey | friend |
operator[](size_t index) const | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
operator[](const RWCString &name) const | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
RWDBPrimaryKey(const RWCString &constraintName="") | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
RWDBPrimaryKey(const RWDBPrimaryKey &pk) | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
RWDBPrimaryKey(const RWDBSchema &sch) | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
setErrorHandler(RWDBStatus::ErrorHandler handler) | RWDBPrimaryKey | |
status() const | RWDBPrimaryKey |
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