Examples Using rwclean
Here are some examples of using rwclean.
*All build types, all components
rwclean --jre -b full_buildspace_path --clean-buildspace
Deletes all build artifacts in all modules for each buildspec within a buildspace, but does not remove the buildspec itself. The --jre argument specifies that the RCB-installed JRE will be used.
*One build type, one component
rwclean --jre -b c:\rwav -a clean-all -t 12s -p tools
Deletes all of the tools 12s build artifacts, including the buildspec, from the c:\rwav buildspace. The --jre argument specifies that the RCB-installed JRE will be used.
*One build type, two components
rwclean -b c:\rwav -a clean-examples -t 8d -p tools
Deletes the 8d build artifacts for the Essential Tools Module examples. The absence of the --jre argument assumes that the PATH environment variable points to a JRE location.
*Two build types, two components
rwclean -b c:\rwav -a clean-examples
-t 12s 15s -p tools net
Deletes the example artifacts for these builds in this order: 12s tools, then 12s net, then 15s tools, then 15s net. The absence of the --jre argument assumes that the PATH environment variable points to a JRE location.