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Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Decomposition

Module Description

The Nonsymmetric Eigenvalue Decomposition group provides classes for solving nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems through a number of decompositions and servers in a carefully layered interface. In particular, you can construct and use the Schur and Hessenberg decompositions as easily as the more standard eigenvalue decomposition.


class  RWEigDecomp< TypeT >
 Encapsulates the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a nonsymmetric matrix. More...
class  RWEigServer< TypeT >
 Abstract base class for the nonsymmetric eigenvalue servers. More...
class  RWHessEigServer< TypeT >
 Encapsulates Hessenberg decomposition eigenvalue servers used to construct eigenvalue decomposition objects of type RWEigDecomp from Hessenberg decompositions. More...
class  RWHessenbergDecomp< TypeT >
 Encapsulates a Hessenberg decomposition as well as an optional balance transformation. More...
class  RWSchurDecomp< TypeT >
 Encapsulates a Schur decomposition as well as an optional balance transformation. More...
class  RWSchurEigServer< TypeT >
 Encapsulates Schur decomposition eigenvalue servers used to construct eigenvalue decomposition objects of type RWEigDecomp from Schur decompositions. More...

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