SourcePro® API Reference Guide

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Deprecated List
As of SourcePro 13, use RW_DISABLE_DEPRECATED instead.
As of SourcePro 13.
Member rw_hashmap< K, V, Hash, EQ, A >::key_hash_type
As of SourcePro 12.5, use hasher instead.
Member rw_hashmultimap< K, V, Hash, EQ, A >::key_hash_type
As of SourcePro 12.5, use hasher instead.
Member rw_hashmultiset< T, Hash, EQ, A >::key_hash_type
As of SourcePro 12.5, use hasher instead.
Member rw_hashset< T, Hash, EQ, A >::key_hash_type
As of SourcePro 12.5, use hasher instead.
As of SourcePro 13, RW_SECSOCK_RNG_NEEDS_SEEDING is no longer defined.
As of SourcePro 13, use std::streamsize instead.
globalScope> Member rwBlaInitStatics ()
As of SourcePro 11.1, this function is a no-op and can be safely removed.
Class RWBufferedPageHeap
As of SourcePro 1.
Class RWCertificateOrKeyTooLargeError
As of SourcePro 4, this exception type is no longer thrown by the Secure Sockets package. If the key data provided is too large, you should expect an RWUnableToReadPrivateKeyError exception.
Member RWCollectableDate::RWCollectableDate (const RWTime &t, const RWZone &zone=RWZone::local())
As of SourcePro 13, Use RWDateTime::toRWDate(const RWZone&) instead.
Member RWCollectableDate::RWCollectableDate (unsigned long jd)
As of SourcePro 2017, use RWCollectableDate(unsigned) instead.
Member RWCollectableDateTime::RWCollectableDateTime (const RWTime &t, unsigned ms=0)
As of SourcePro 10, provided for compatibility with code that relies on the deprecated RWTime type.
Class RWCollectableTime
As of SourcePro 11.1, use RWCollectableDateTime instead.
Class RWCRegexp
As of SourcePro 4, use RWTRegex instead.
Member RWCRExpr
As of SourcePro 4, use RWTRegex instead.
globalScope> Member RWCRExpr
As of SourcePro 4, use RWTRegex<char> instead.
Member RWCString::first (char c) const
As of SourcePro 12, use RWCString::firstOf(char, size_t) const instead.
Member RWCString::first (char c, size_t) const
As of SourcePro 12, use RWCString::firstOf(char, size_t) const instead.
Member RWCString::first (const char *str) const
As of SourcePro 12, use RWCString::firstOf(const char*, size_t) const instead.
Member RWCString::first (const char *str, size_t len) const
As of SourcePro 12, use RWCString::firstOf(const char*, size_t, size_t) const instead.
Member RWCString::index (const RWCRegexp &re, size_t start=0) const
As of SourcePro 12, use RWTRegex::index instead.
Member RWCString::index (const RWCRegexp &re, size_t *ext, size_t start=0) const
As of SourcePro 12, use RWTRegex::index instead.
Member RWCString::index (const RWCRExpr &re, size_t start=0) const
As of SourcePro 12, use RWTRegex::index instead.
Member RWCString::index (const RWCRExpr &re, size_t *ext, size_t start=0) const
As of SourcePro 12, use RWTRegex::index instead.
Member RWCString::index (const char *re, size_t *ext, size_t start=0) const
As of SourcePro 12, use RWTRegex::index instead.
Member RWCString::last (char c) const
As of SourcePro 12, use RWCString::lastOf(char, size_t) const instead.
Member RWCString::last (const char *str) const
As of SourcePro 12, use RWCString::lastOf(const char*, size_t) const instead.
Member RWCString::last (char c, size_t) const
As of SourcePro 12, use RWCString::lastOf(char, size_t) const instead.
Member RWCString::last (const char *str, size_t len) const
As of SourcePro 12, use RWCString::lastOf(const char*, size_t, size_t) const instead.
Member RWCString::match (const RWCRExpr &) const
As of SourcePro 12, use RWTRegex::search instead.
Member RWCString::match (const RWCRExpr &re, size_t start)
As of SourcePro 12, use RWTRegex::search instead.
Member RWCString::match (const RWCRExpr &re, size_t start) const
As of SourcePro 12, use RWTRegex::search instead.
Member RWCString::match (const RWCRExpr &re)
As of SourcePro 12, use RWTRegex::search instead.
Member RWCString::operator() (const RWCRegexp &re, size_t start)
As of SourcePro 12, use RWTRegex::search instead.
Member RWCString::operator() (const RWCRegexp &re, size_t start) const
As of SourcePro 12, use RWTRegex::search instead.
Member RWCString::operator() (const RWCRegexp &re)
As of SourcePro 12, use RWTRegex::search instead.
Member RWCString::operator() (const RWCRegexp &re) const
As of SourcePro 12, use RWTRegex::search instead.
Member RWCString::replace (const RWCRExpr &re, const RWCString &str, scopeType scope=one)
As of SourcePro 12, use RWTRegex::replace instead.
Member RWCString::replace (const RWCRExpr &re, const char *str, scopeType scope=one)
As of SourcePro 12, use RWTRegex::replace instead.
Member RWCString::scopeType
As of SourcePro 12, provided for compatibility with code that relies on the enumeration RWCString::scopeType.
Member RWDate::RWDate (unsigned long jd)
As of SourcePro 2017, use RWDate(unsigned) instead.
Member RWDateTime::iso8601_compat
As of SourcePro 14, use iso8601 instead.
Member RWDateTime::RWDateTime (const RWTime &t, unsigned msec=0)
As of SourcePro 10. Provided for compatibility with code that relies on the deprecated RWTime type.
Class RWDBBinaryVector
As of SourcePro 6, use RWDBTBuffer<RWDBBlob> and RWDBBlob instead.
Class RWDBBinaryVectorElement
As of SourcePro 6, use RWDBBlob and RWDBTBuffer<RWDBBlob> instead.
Member RWDBBoundExpr::RWDBBoundExpr (RWDBDateTime *valuePtr, RWDBNullIndicator *nullIndicator=NULL, size_t entries=1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWDBBoundExpr(RWDateTime*, RWDBNullIndicator*, size_t) instead.
Member RWDBBulkInserter::operator<< (const RWDBDateVector &dateVector)
As of SourcePro 6, use RWDBBulkInserter::operator<<(const RWDBAbstractBuffer&), passing in RWDBTBuffer<RWDateTime> instead.
Member RWDBBulkReader::operator<< (RWDBDateVector &dateVector)
As of SourcePro 6, use RWDBBulkReader::operator<<(RWDBAbstractBuffer&), passing in RWDBTBuffer<RWDateTime> instead.
Member RWDBColumn::assign (const RWTime &value) const
As of SourcePro 11.1, use assign(const RWDateTime&) instead.
Member RWDBColumn::assign (const RWDBDateTime &value) const
As of SourcePro 11.1, use assign(const RWDateTime&) instead.
Member RWDBCursor::operator<< (RWDBDateTime *val)
As of SourcePro 13, use operator<<(RWDateTime*) instead.
Member RWDBCursor::operator<< (RWDBValueManip)
As of SourcePro 1, use setNull(size_t) instead.
Member RWDBDatabase::dateVector (size_t n) const
As of SourcePro 6, use class RWDBTBuffer<RWDateTime> instead of RWDBDateVector.
Class RWDBDateTime
As of SourcePro 6, use RWDateTime instead. For more information, see Section "RWDBDateTime" in the Chapter "The Data Model" in the DB Interface Module User's Guide and the entry for RWDateTime in the Essential Tools Module Reference Guide.
Class RWDBDateVector
As of SourcePro 6, use RWDBTBuffer<RWDateTime> and RWDateTime instead.
Member RWDBDB2CLILibEnvironmentHandle::maxConnections () const
As of SourcePro 13. This setting is not used by the DB Access Module for DB2 CLI. This function exists only for backward compatibility. Usage of this API should be removed from your application.
Member RWDBDB2CLILibEnvironmentHandle::maxConnections (SQLINTEGER value)
As of SourcePro 13. IBM has deprecated this option as of DB2 8. This setting is not used by the DB Access Module for DB2 CLI. This function exists only for backward compatibility. Usage of this API should be removed from your application.
Class RWDBDecimalVector
As of SourcePro 6, use RWDBTBuffer<RWDecimalPortable> and RWDecimalPortable instead.
Class RWDBDecimalVectorElement
As of SourcePro 6, use RWDecimalPortable and RWDBTBuffer<RWDecimalPortable> instead.
Member RWDBDuration::operator- (const RWDBDateTime &a, const RWDBDateTime &b)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use operator-(const RWDateTime&, const RWDateTime&) instead. This function can be replaced by code similar to RWDBDuration((<RWDateTime_instance1> - <RWDateTime_instance2>)/1000.0);.
Member RWDBExpr::RWDBExpr (const RWDBDateTime &value)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWDBExpr(const RWDateTime&) instead.
Member RWDBInserter::operator<< (const RWDBDateTime &value)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWDBInserter::operator<<(const RWDateTime&) instead.
Member RWDBOCIEnvironmentHandle::ociLocatorForDefaultBlob ()
As of SourcePro 5, this can be achieved by setting the native types in the table's RWDBSchema. See the table "Type mapping when creating tables" in the Section "Datatypes" in the DB Access Module for Oracle OCI User's Guide.
Member RWDBOCIEnvironmentHandle::ociLocatorForDefaultBlob (bool)
As of SourcePro 5, this can be achieved by setting the native types in the table's RWDBSchema. See the table "Type mapping when creating tables" in the Section "Datatypes" in the DB Access Module for Oracle OCI User's Guide.
Member RWDBOCIEnvironmentHandle::ociLocatorForDefaultString ()
As of SourcePro 5, this can be achieved by setting the native types in the table's RWDBSchema. See the table "Type mapping when creating tables" in the Section "Datatypes" in the DB Access Module for Oracle OCI User's Guide.
Member RWDBOCIEnvironmentHandle::ociLocatorForDefaultString (bool)
As of SourcePro 5, this can be achieved by setting the native types in the table's RWDBSchema. See the table "Type mapping when creating tables" in the Section "Datatypes" in the DB Access Module for Oracle OCI User's Guide.
Member RWDBOCISystemHandle::maximumBlobSize (size_t size)
As of SourcePro 11, this setting is not used in the DB Access Module for Oracle OCI.
Member RWDBOCISystemHandle::maximumBlobSize () const
As of SourcePro 11, this setting is not used in the DB Access Module for Oracle OCI.
Member RWDBOSql::rowCount () const
As of SourcePro 7, use rowsAffected() instead.
Member RWDBReader::operator>> (RWDBDateTime &value)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use operator>>(RWDateTime&) instead.
Member RWDBResult::rowCount () const
As of SourcePro 7, use rowsAffected() instead.
Member RWDBSelector::on (const RWDBCriterion &criterion)
As of SourcePro 1, use RWDBJoinExpr::on(const RWDBCriterion&) to attach a join condition to a specific RWDBJoinExpr.
Member RWDBSelector::on (const RWDBColumn &column)
As of SourcePro 1, use RWDBJoinExpr::on(const RWDBColumn&) to add a column to the SQL USING clause of a specific RWDBJoinExpr.
Member RWDBStoredProc::operator<< (const RWDBDateTime &value)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWDBStoredProc::operator<<(const RWDateTime&) instead.
Member RWDBStoredProc::operator<< (RWDBDateTime *valPtr)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWDBStoredProc::operator<<(RWDateTime*) instead.
Class RWDBStringVector
As of SourcePro 6, use RWDBTBuffer<RWCString> and RWCString instead.
Class RWDBStringVectorElement
As of SourcePro 6, use RWCString and RWDBTBuffer<RWCString> instead.
Member RWDBTableEntry::clearPrimaryKey ()
As of SourcePro 13.1, use setSchema() to set a schema that has no primary key.
Member RWDBTableEntry::getPrimaryKey () const
As of SourcePro 13.1, use getSchema().primaryKey() to get the RWDBPrimaryKey on the underlying schema.
Member RWDBTableEntry::hasPrimaryKey () const
As of SourcePro 13.1, use getMetadata() checking for RWDBTable::ColumnList instead.
Member RWDBTableEntry::setPrimaryKey (const RWDBPrimaryKey &pk)
As of SourcePro 13.1, use setSchema() to set a schema that has a primary key.
Member RWDBTableEntry::setSchema (const RWDBSchema &schema)
As of SourcePro 13.1, use setSchema(const RWDBSchema&, RWDBTable::Metadata md) instead.
Member RWDBValue::operator= (const RWDBDateTime &value)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use operator=(const RWDateTime&) instead.
Member RWDBValue::RWDBValue (const RWDBDateTime &value)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWDBValue(const RWDateTime&) instead.
Class RWDBVector< T >
As of SourcePro 6, use RWDBTBuffer instead.
Class RWDBVendorDate
As of SourcePro 6, use RWDateTime and RWDBTBuffer<RWDateTime> instead.
Member RWDecimal< M >::infinityValue ()
As of SourcePro 13, use RWDecimal<M>::infinity.
Member RWDecimal< M >::missingValue ()
As of SourcePro 13, use RWDecimal<M>::missing.
Member RWDecimal< M >::NaNValue ()
As of SourcePro 13, use RWDecimal<M>::NaN.
Member RWDecimal< M >::nullValue ()
As of SourcePro 13, use RWDecimal<M>::null.
Member RWDecimal< M >::SNaNValue ()
As of SourcePro 13, use RWDecimal<M>::SNaN.
Member RWDirEntry::DIRECTORY
As of SourcePro 1, use ftype_directory instead.
Member RWDirEntry::FILE
As of SourcePro 1, use ftype_file instead.
Member RWDirEntry::getTime () const
As of SourcePro 10, use getDateTime() instead.
Member RWDirEntry::LINK
As of SourcePro 1, use ftype_link instead.
Member RWDirEntry::UNKNOWN
As of SourcePro 1, use ftype_unknown instead.
Class RWDiskPageHeap
As of SourcePro 11.1.
Member RWFile::Read (char *string)
As of SourcePro 11. Because of the risk of buffer overflow, we strongly recommend against using this function. Use Read(char*, size_t, size_t*) or Read(char*, size_t, int, size_t*) instead.
Member RWFixedDecimal< M >::infinityValue ()
As of SourcePro 13, use RWFixedDecimal<M>::infinity.
Member RWFixedDecimal< M >::missingValue ()
As of SourcePro 13, use RWFixedDecimal<M>::missing.
Member RWFixedDecimal< M >::NaNValue ()
As of SourcePro 13, use RWFixedDecimal<M>::NaN.
Member RWFixedDecimal< M >::nullValue ()
As of SourcePro 13, use RWFixedDecimal<M>::null.
Member RWFixedDecimal< M >::SNaNValue ()
As of SourcePro 13, use RWFixedDecimal<M>::SNaN.
Member RWFtpAgent::ACTIVE
As of SourcePro 1, use cmode_active instead.
Member RWFtpAgent::ASCII
As of SourcePro 1, use tmode_ascii instead.
Member RWFtpAgent::BINARY
As of SourcePro 1, use tmode_binary instead.
As of SourcePro 1, use tmode_latest instead.
Member RWFtpAgent::PASSIVE
As of SourcePro 1, use cmode_passive instead.
Class RWFunctor0
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTFunctor<R(As...)> instead.
Class RWFunctor0Imp
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTFunctor<R(As...)> instead.
Class RWFunctorList0
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValSlist<RWTFunctor<void()>> instead.
Member RWHttpAgent::executeOptions (const RWCString &server, int port=80, const RWHttpRequestBody &body=RWHttpRequestStringBody()) const
As of SourcePro 3, use executeServerOptions() instead.
Member RWHttpAgent::executeTrace (const RWCString &server, int port=80) const
As of SourcePro 3, use executeServerTrace() instead.
Member RWHttpContentLengthHeader::value (void) const
As of SourcePro 4, use getValue() instead.
Class RWNetNoSuchBlockingHookError
As of SourcePro 11.1, this exception is thrown only by a deprecated RWWinSockInfo constructor.
Member RWNumReplyLine::code (void) const
As of SourcePro 1, use getStatusCode() instead.
Member RWNumReplyLine::codeAsString (void) const
As of SourcePro 1, use getStatusCode() instead.
globalScope> Member RWSafeCounter
As of SourcePro 11.1, use RWAtomicCounter instead.
Member RWSecureSocketContext::RWSecureSocketContext (const RWSecureSocketMethod &method)
Deprecated as of SourcePro 2016.3. Use another constructor.
Class RWSecureSocketMethod
As of SourcePro 2016.3, this class is deprecated. The RWSecureSocketContext constructor no longer requires an RWSecureSocketMethod instance.
Member RWSockAddrFactory::theGlobalRWSockAddrFactory ()
As of SourcePro 4, use rwSockAddrFactory() instead.
Member RWSocket::doRaise (int err, const char *funcName)
As of SourcePro 4, use raise(const char*, int) instead.
Member RWSocket::raise (const char *funcName) const
As of SourcePro 4, use raise(const char*, int) in conjunction with lastError().
Member RWSocket::raiseUnlessWouldBlock (const char *funcName) const
As of SourcePro 4, use raiseUnlessWouldBlock(const char*, int) in conjunction with lastError().
Member RWStreamCoupler::ASCII
As of SourcePro 1, use mode_ascii instead.
Member RWStreamCoupler::BINARY
As of SourcePro 1, use mode_binary instead.
Class RWTCounter< Mutex >
As of SourcePro 11.1, use RWAtomicCounter.
Class RWTFunctor1< S1 >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTFunctor<R(As...)> instead.
Class RWTFunctor1Imp< S1 >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTFunctor<void(S1)> instead.
Class RWTFunctor2< S1, S2 >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTFunctor<void(S1, S2)> instead.
Class RWTFunctor2Imp< S1, S2 >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTFunctor<R(As...)> instead.
Class RWTFunctorList1< S1 >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValSlist<RWTFunctor<void(S1)>> instead.
Class RWTFunctorList2< S1, S2 >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValSlist<RWTFunctor<void(S1, S2)>> instead.
Class RWTFunctorMap1< Key >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValHashMap<Key, RWTFunctor<void()>> instead.
Class RWTFunctorMap2< Key, S1 >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValHashMap<Key, RWTFunctor<void(S1)>> instead.
Class RWTFunctorMapR1< SR, Key >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValHashMap<Key, RWTFunctor<SR()>> instead.
Class RWTFunctorMapR2< SR, Key, S1 >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValHashMap<Key, RWTFunctor<SR(S1)>> instead.
Class RWTFunctorR0< SR >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTFunctor<R(As...)> instead.
Class RWTFunctorR0Imp< SR >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTFunctor<R(As...)> instead.
Class RWTFunctorR1< SR, S1 >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTFunctor<R(As...)> instead.
Class RWTFunctorR1Imp< SR, S1 >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTFunctor<SR(S1)> instead.
Class RWTFunctorR2< SR, S1, S2 >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTFunctor<SR(S1, S2)> instead.
Class RWTFunctorR2Imp< SR, S1, S2 >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTFunctor<SR(S1, S2)> instead.
Member RWTGuardBase< Resource >::RWTGuardBase (Resource &resource)
As of SourcePro 13, use RWTGuardBase(Resource&, bool) instead.
Class RWTHash< RWDBDateTime >
As of SourcePro 6, use RWTHash<RWDateTime> instead.
Member RWThread::terminate ()
As of SourcePro 13. Explicit thread termination should be avoided.
Member RWThreadManager::getTerminationSignal () const
As of SourcePro 13, thread termination is deprecated.
Member RWThreadManager::setTerminationSignal (int termSignal)
As of SourcePro 13, thread termination is deprecated.
Class RWTime
As of SourcePro 10, use RWDateTime instead.
Member RWTimer::SYSTEM
As of SourcePro 11, use RWTimer::systemTime instead.
Member RWTimer::USER
As of SourcePro 11, use RWTimer::userTime instead.
Member RWTLockGuardBase< Resource >::RWTLockGuardBase (Resource &resource)
As of SourcePro 13, use RWTLockGuardBase(Resource&, bool) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor0 (void(*caller)(void), DR(*callee)(void))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor0 (void(*caller)(void), DR(*callee)(A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor0 (void(*caller)(void), DR(*callee)(A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor0 (void(*caller)(void), DR(*callee)(A1, A2, A3), AA1 a1, AA2 a2, AA3 a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, a1, a2, a3) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor0 (void(*caller)(void), Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(void))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor0 (void(*caller)(void), Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor0 (void(*caller)(void), Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor0 (void(*caller)(void), Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(A1, A2, A3), AA1 a1, AA2 a2, AA3 a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2, a3) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor0G (DR, function)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor0GA1 (DR, function, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor0GA2 (DR, function, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor0GA3 (DR, function, A1, a1, A2, a2, A3, a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, a1, a2, a3) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor0M (Callee, callee, DR, function)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor0MA1 (Callee, callee, DR, function, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor0MA2 (Callee, callee, DR, function, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor0MA3 (Callee, callee, DR, function, A1, a1, A2, a2, A3, a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2, a3) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor1 (void(*caller)(S1), DR(*callee)(D1))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor1 (void(*caller)(S1), DR(*callee)(D1, A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor1 (void(*caller)(S1), DR(*callee)(D1, A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor1 (void(*caller)(S1), Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(D1))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor1 (void(*caller)(S1), Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(D1, A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor1 (void(*caller)(S1), Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(D1, A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor1G (S1, DR, function, D1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor1GA1 (S1, DR, function, D1, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor1GA2 (S1, DR, function, D1, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor1M (S1, Callee, callee, DR, function, D1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor1MA1 (S1, Callee, callee, DR, function, D1, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor1MA2 (S1, Callee, callee, DR, function, D1, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor2 (void(*caller)(S1, S2), DR(*callee)(D1, D2, A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, rw2, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor2 (void(*caller)(S1, S2), DR(*callee)(D1, D2))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, rw2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor2 (void(*caller)(S1, S2), DR(*callee)(D1, D2, A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, rw2, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor2 (void(*caller)(S1, S2), Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(D1, D2))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, rw2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor2 (void(*caller)(S1, S2), Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(D1, D2, A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, rw2, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor2 (void(*caller)(S1, S2), Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(D1, D2, A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, rw2, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor2G (S1, S2, DR, function, D1, D2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, rw2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor2GA1 (S1, S2, DR, function, D1, D2, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, rw2, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor2GA2 (S1, S2, DR, function, D1, D2, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, rw2, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor2M (S1, S2, Callee, callee, DR, function, D1, D2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, rw2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor2MA1 (S1, S2, Callee, callee, DR, function, D1, D2, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, rw2, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctor2MA2 (S1, S2, Callee, callee, DR, function, D1, D2, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, rw2, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR0 (SR(*caller)(void), Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR0 (SR(*caller)(void), DR(*callee)(A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR0 (SR(*caller)(void), DR(*callee)(void))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR0 (SR(*caller)(void), DR(*callee)(A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR0 (SR(*caller)(void), DR(*callee)(A1, A2, A3), AA1 a1, AA2 a2, AA3 a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, a1, a2, a3) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR0 (SR(*caller)(void), Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(void))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR0 (SR(*caller)(void), Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR0 (SR(*caller)(void), Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(A1, A2, A3), AA1 a1, AA2 a2, AA3 a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2, a3) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR0G (SR, DR, function)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR0GA1 (SR, DR, function, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR0GA2 (SR, DR, function, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR0GA3 (SR, DR, function, A1, a1, A2, a2, A3, a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, a1, a2, a3) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR0M (SR, Callee, callee, DR, function)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR0MA1 (SR, Callee, callee, DR, function, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR0MA2 (SR, Callee, callee, DR, function, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR0MA3 (SR, Callee, callee, DR, function, A1, a1, A2, a2, A3, a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2, a3) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR1 (SR(*caller)(S1), DR(*callee)(D1))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR1 (SR(*caller)(S1), DR(*callee)(D1, A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR1 (SR(*caller)(S1), Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(D1))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR1 (SR(*caller)(S1), Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(D1, A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR1 (SR(*caller)(S1), Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(D1, A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR1 (SR(*caller)(S1), DR(*callee)(D1, A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR1G (SR, S1, DR, function, D1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR1GA1 (SR, S1, DR, function, D1, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR1GA2 (SR, S1, DR, function, D1, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR1M (SR, S1, Callee, callee, DR, function, D1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR1MA1 (SR, S1, Callee, callee, DR, function, D1, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR1MA2 (SR, S1, Callee, callee, DR, function, D1, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR2 (SR(*caller)(S1, S2), DR(*callee)(D1, D2))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, rw2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR2 (SR(*caller)(S1, S2), DR(*callee)(D1, D2, A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, rw2, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR2 (SR(*caller)(S1, S2), Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(D1, D2))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, rw2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR2 (SR(*caller)(S1, S2), Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(D1, D2, A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, rw2, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR2 (SR(*caller)(S1, S2), Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(D1, D2, A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, rw2, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR2 (SR(*caller)(S1, S2), DR(*callee)(D1, D2, A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, rw2, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR2G (SR, S1, S2, DR, function, D1, D2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, rw2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR2GA1 (SR, S1, S2, DR, function, D1, D2, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, rw2, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR2GA2 (SR, S1, S2, DR, function, D1, D2, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, rw2, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR2M (SR, S1, S2, Callee, callee, DR, function, D1, D2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, rw2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR2MA1 (SR, S1, S2, Callee, callee, DR, function, D1, D2, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, rw2, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeFunctorR2MA2 (SR, S1, S2, Callee, callee, DR, function, D1, D2, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, rw2, a1, a2) instead.
Member rwtMakeIOUCallback
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, a1) instead.
Member rwtMakeIOUCallback
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, a1, a2) instead.
Member rwtMakeIOUCallback
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1) instead.
Member rwtMakeIOUCallback
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, a1) instead.
Member rwtMakeIOUCallback
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1) instead.
Member rwtMakeIOUCallback
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, a1, a2) instead.
Member rwtMakeIOUCallbackG
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1) instead.
Member rwtMakeIOUCallbackGA1
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, a1) instead.
Member rwtMakeIOUCallbackGA2
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, a1, a2) instead.
Member rwtMakeIOUCallbackM
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1) instead.
Member rwtMakeIOUCallbackMA1
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, a1) instead.
Member rwtMakeIOUCallbackMA2
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRef (T &t)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwRef() instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableCallback (void(*function)(const RWRunnable &, RWExecutionState, A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, rw2, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableCallback (void(*function)(const RWRunnable &, RWExecutionState))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, rw2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableCallback (void(*function)(const RWRunnable &, RWExecutionState, A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, rw2, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableCallback (Callee &callee, void(Callee::*function)(const RWRunnable &, RWExecutionState))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, rw2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableCallback (Callee &callee, void(Callee::*function)(const RWRunnable &, RWExecutionState, A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, rw2, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableCallback (Callee &callee, void(Callee::*function)(const RWRunnable &, RWExecutionState, A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, rw2, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableCallbackG (function)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, rw2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableCallbackGA1 (function, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, rw2, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableCallbackGA2 (function, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, rw1, rw2, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableCallbackM (Callee, callee, function)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, rw2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableCallbackMA1 (Callee, callee, function, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, rw2, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableCallbackMA2 (Callee, callee, function, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, rw1, rw2, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableFunction (Callee &callee, R(Callee::*function)(A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWRunnableFunction::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableFunction (R(*function)(A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWRunnableFunction::make(rwBind(function, a1)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableFunction (R(*function)(void))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWRunnableFunction::make(function) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableFunction (R(*function)(A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWRunnableFunction::make(rwBind(function, a1, a2)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableFunction (R(*function)(A1, A2, A3), AA1 a1, AA2 a2, AA3 a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWRunnableFunction::make(rwBind(function, a1, a2, a3)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableFunction (Callee &callee, R(Callee::*function)(void))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWRunnableFunction::make(rwBind(function, callee)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableFunction (Callee &callee, R(Callee::*function)(A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWRunnableFunction::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableFunction (Callee &callee, R(Callee::*function)(A1, A2, A3), AA1 a1, AA2 a2, AA3 a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWRunnableFunction::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2, a3)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableFunctionG (R, function)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWRunnableFunction::make(function) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableFunctionGA1 (R, function, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWRunnableFunction::make(rwBind(function, a1)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableFunctionGA2 (R, function, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWRunnableFunction::make(rwBind(function, a1, a2)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableFunctionGA3 (R, function, A1, a1, A2, a2, A3, a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWRunnableFunction::make(rwBind(function, a1, a2, a3)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableFunctionM (Callee, callee, R, function)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWRunnableFunction::make(rwBind(function, callee)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableFunctionMA1 (Callee, callee, R, function, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWRunnableFunction::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableFunctionMA2 (Callee, callee, R, function, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWRunnableFunction::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableFunctionMA3 (Callee, callee, R, function, A1, a1, A2, a2, A3, a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWRunnableFunction::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2, a3)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableGuard (DR(*function)(A1, A2, A3), AA1 a1, AA2 a2, AA3 a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, a1, a2, a3) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableGuard (DR(*function)(A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableGuard (Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(void))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableGuard (DR(*function)(void))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableGuard (DR(*function)(A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableGuard (Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableGuard (Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(A1, A2, A3), AA1 a1, AA2 a2, AA3 a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2, a3) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableGuard (Callee &callee, DR(Callee::*function)(A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableGuardG (DR, function)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableGuardGA1 (DR, function, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableGuardGA2 (DR, function, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableGuardGA3 (DR, function, A1, a1, A2, a2, A3, a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, a1, a2, a3) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableGuardM (Callee, callee, DR, function)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableGuardMA1 (Callee, callee, DR, function, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, a1) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableGuardMA2 (Callee, callee, DR, function, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableGuardMA3 (Callee, callee, DR, function, A1, a1, A2, a2, A3, a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2, a3) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableIOUFunction (Callee &callee, R(Callee::*function)(A1, A2, A3), AA1 a1, AA2 a2, AA3 a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTRunnableIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2, a3)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableIOUFunction (R(*function)(A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTRunnableIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, a1)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableIOUFunction (R(*function)(A1, A2, A3), AA1 a1, AA2 a2, AA3 a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTRunnableIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, a1, a2, a3)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableIOUFunction (Callee &callee, R(Callee::*function)(void))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTRunnableIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, callee)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableIOUFunction (R(*function)(void))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTRunnableIOUFunction<R>::make(function) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableIOUFunction (R(*function)(A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTRunnableIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, a1, a2)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableIOUFunction (Callee &callee, R(Callee::*function)(A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTRunnableIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableIOUFunction (Callee &callee, R(Callee::*function)(A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTRunnableIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableIOUFunctionG (R, function)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTRunnableIOUFunction<R>::make(function) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableIOUFunctionGA1 (R, function, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTRunnableIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, a1)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableIOUFunctionGA2 (R, function, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTRunnableIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, a1, a2)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableIOUFunctionGA3 (R, function, A1, a1, A2, a2, A3, a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTRunnableIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, a1, a2, a3)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableIOUFunctionM (Callee, callee, R, function)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTRunnableIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, callee)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableIOUFunctionMA1 (Callee, callee, R, function, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTRunnableIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableIOUFunctionMA2 (Callee, callee, R, function, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTRunnableIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeRunnableIOUFunctionMA3 (Callee, callee, R, function, A1, a1, A2, a2, A3, a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTRunnableIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2, a3)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadFunction (Callee &callee, R(Callee::*function)(A1, A2, A3), AA1 a1, AA2 a2, AA3 a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWThreadFunction::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2, a3)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadFunction (R(*function)(A1, A2, A3), AA1 a1, AA2 a2, AA3 a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWThreadFunction::make(rwBind(function, a1, a2, a3)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadFunction (Callee &callee, R(Callee::*function)(void))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWThreadFunction::make(rwBind(function, callee)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadFunction (R(*function)(A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWThreadFunction::make(rwBind(function, a1)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadFunction (R(*function)(void))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWThreadFunction::make(function) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadFunction (R(*function)(A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWThreadFunction::make(rwBind(function, a1, a2)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadFunction (Callee &callee, R(Callee::*function)(A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWThreadFunction::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadFunction (Callee &callee, R(Callee::*function)(A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWThreadFunction::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadFunctionG (R, function)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWThreadFunction::make(function) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadFunctionGA1 (R, function, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWThreadFunction::make(rwBind(function, a1)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadFunctionGA2 (R, function, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWThreadFunction::make(rwBind(function, a1, a2)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadFunctionGA3 (R, function, A1, a1, A2, a2, A3, a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWThreadFunction::make(rwBind(function, a1, a2, a3)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadFunctionM (Callee, callee, R, function)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWThreadFunction::make(rwBind(function, callee)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadFunctionMA1 (Callee, callee, R, function, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWThreadFunction::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadFunctionMA2 (Callee, callee, R, function, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWThreadFunction::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadFunctionMA3 (Callee, callee, R, function, A1, a1, A2, a2, A3, a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWThreadFunction::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2, a3)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadIOU (const Redeemable *r)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTThreadEscrowImp<Redeemable>::make() instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadIOUFunction (Callee &callee, R(Callee::*function)(void))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTThreadIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, callee)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadIOUFunction (R(*function)(void))
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTThreadIOUFunction<R>::make(function) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadIOUFunction (R(*function)(A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTThreadIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, a1, a2)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadIOUFunction (R(*function)(A1, A2, A3), AA1 a1, AA2 a2, AA3 a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTThreadIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, a1, a2, a3)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadIOUFunction (R(*function)(A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTThreadIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, a1)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadIOUFunction (Callee &callee, R(Callee::*function)(A1), AA1 a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTThreadIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadIOUFunction (Callee &callee, R(Callee::*function)(A1, A2, A3), AA1 a1, AA2 a2, AA3 a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTThreadIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2, a3)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadIOUFunction (Callee &callee, R(Callee::*function)(A1, A2), AA1 a1, AA2 a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTThreadIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadIOUFunctionG (R, function)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTThreadIOUFunction<R>::make(function) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadIOUFunctionGA1 (R, function, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTThreadIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, a1)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadIOUFunctionGA2 (R, function, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTThreadIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, a1, a2)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadIOUFunctionGA3 (R, function, A1, a1, A2, a2, A3, a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTThreadIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, a1, a2, a3)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadIOUFunctionM (Callee, callee, R, function)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTThreadIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, callee)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadIOUFunctionMA1 (Callee, callee, R, function, A1, a1)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTThreadIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadIOUFunctionMA2 (Callee, callee, R, function, A1, a1, A2, a2)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTThreadIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2)) instead.
globalScope> Member rwtMakeThreadIOUFunctionMA3 (Callee, callee, R, function, A1, a1, A2, a2, A3, a3)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTThreadIOUFunction<R>::make(rwBind(function, callee, a1, a2, a3)) instead.
Member RWTPtrDlist< T, A >::const_value
As of SourcePro 12.5, use const T* instead. A type representing the container's const data type.
Class RWTPtrDlistConstIterator< T, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrDlist::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTPtrDlistIterator< T, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrDlist::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Member RWTPtrHashMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >::applyToKeyAndValue (void(*fn)(const K *, const T *, void *), void *d) const
As of SourcePro 1, use apply() instead.
Member RWTPtrHashMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >::const_reference_data
As of SourcePro 12.5, use const T* const& instead.
Member RWTPtrHashMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >::const_reference_key
As of SourcePro 12.5, use const K* const& instead.
Member RWTPtrHashMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >::container_eq
As of SourcePro 12.5, use key_equal instead.
Member RWTPtrHashMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >::container_hash
As of SourcePro 12.5, use hasher instead.
Member RWTPtrHashMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >::insertKeyAndValue (key_type key, mapped_type a)
As of SourcePro 1, use insert() instead.
Member RWTPtrHashMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >::reference_data
As of SourcePro 12.5, use mapped_type& instead.
Member RWTPtrHashMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >::reference_key
As of SourcePro 12.5, use key_type& instead.
Member RWTPtrHashMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >::value_type_data
As of SourcePro 12.5, use mapped_type instead.
Member RWTPtrHashMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >::value_type_key
As of SourcePro 12.5, use key_type instead.
Class RWTPtrHashMapConstIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrHashMap::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTPtrHashMapIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrHashMap::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Member RWTPtrHashMultiMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >::applyToKeyAndValue (void(*fn)(const K *, const T *, void *), void *d) const
As of SourcePro 1, use apply() instead.
Member RWTPtrHashMultiMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >::const_reference_data
As of SourcePro 12.5, use const T* const& instead.
Member RWTPtrHashMultiMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >::const_reference_key
As of SourcePro 12.5, use const K* const& instead.
Member RWTPtrHashMultiMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >::container_eq
As of SourcePro 12.5, use key_equal instead.
Member RWTPtrHashMultiMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >::container_hash
As of SourcePro 12.5, use hasher instead.
Member RWTPtrHashMultiMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >::insertKeyAndValue (key_type key, mapped_type a)
As of SourcePro 1, use insert() instead.
Member RWTPtrHashMultiMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >::reference_data
As of SourcePro 12.5, use mapped_type& instead.
Member RWTPtrHashMultiMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >::reference_key
As of SourcePro 12.5, use key_type& instead.
Member RWTPtrHashMultiMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >::value_type_data
As of SourcePro 12.5, use mapped_type instead.
Member RWTPtrHashMultiMap< K, T, H, EQ, A >::value_type_key
As of SourcePro 12.5, use key_type instead.
Class RWTPtrHashMultiMapConstIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrHashMultiMap::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTPtrHashMultiMapIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrHashMultiMap::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Member RWTPtrHashMultiSet< T, H, EQ, A >::container_eq
As of SourcePro 12.5, use key_equal instead.
Member RWTPtrHashMultiSet< T, H, EQ, A >::container_hash
As of SourcePro 12.5, use hasher instead.
Class RWTPtrHashMultiSetConstIterator< T, H, EQ, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrHashMultiSet::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTPtrHashMultiSetIterator< T, H, EQ, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrHashMultiSet::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Member RWTPtrHashSet< T, H, EQ, A >::container_eq
As of SourcePro 12.5, use key_equal instead.
Member RWTPtrHashSet< T, H, EQ, A >::container_hash
As of SourcePro 12.5, use hasher instead.
Class RWTPtrHashSetConstIterator< T, H, EQ, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrHashSet::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTPtrHashSetIterator< T, H, EQ, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrHashSet::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Member RWTPtrMap< K, T, C, A >::applyToKeyAndValue (void(*fn)(const K *, const T *, void *), void *d) const
As of SourcePro 1, use apply() instead.
Member RWTPtrMap< K, T, C, A >::const_reference_data
As of SourcePro 12.5, use const T* const& instead.
Member RWTPtrMap< K, T, C, A >::const_reference_key
As of SourcePro 12.5, use const K* const& instead.
Member RWTPtrMap< K, T, C, A >::container_comp
As of SourcePro 12.5, use key_compare instead.
Member RWTPtrMap< K, T, C, A >::insertKeyAndValue (key_type key, mapped_type a)
As of SourcePro 1, use insert() instead.
Member RWTPtrMap< K, T, C, A >::reference_data
As of SourcePro 12.5, use mapped_type& instead.
Member RWTPtrMap< K, T, C, A >::reference_key
As of SourcePro 12.5, use key_type& instead.
Member RWTPtrMap< K, T, C, A >::value_type_data
As of SourcePro 12.5, use mapped_type instead.
Member RWTPtrMap< K, T, C, A >::value_type_key
As of SourcePro 12.5, use key_type instead.
Class RWTPtrMapConstIterator< K, T, C, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrMap::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTPtrMapIterator< K, T, C, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrMap::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Member RWTPtrMultiMap< K, T, C, A >::applyToKeyAndValue (void(*fn)(const K *, const T *, void *), void *d) const
As of SourcePro 1, use apply() instead.
Member RWTPtrMultiMap< K, T, C, A >::const_reference_data
As of SourcePro 12.5, use const T* const& instead.
Member RWTPtrMultiMap< K, T, C, A >::const_reference_key
As of SourcePro 12.5, use const K* const& instead.
Member RWTPtrMultiMap< K, T, C, A >::container_comp
As of SourcePro 12.5, use key_compare instead.
Member RWTPtrMultiMap< K, T, C, A >::insertKeyAndValue (key_type key, mapped_type a)
As of SourcePro 12.5, use insert() instead.
Member RWTPtrMultiMap< K, T, C, A >::reference_data
As of SourcePro 12.5, use mapped_type& instead.
Member RWTPtrMultiMap< K, T, C, A >::reference_key
As of SourcePro 12.5, use key_type& instead.
Member RWTPtrMultiMap< K, T, C, A >::value_type_data
As of SourcePro 12.5, use mapped_type instead.
Member RWTPtrMultiMap< K, T, C, A >::value_type_key
As of SourcePro 12.5, use key_type instead.
Class RWTPtrMultiMapConstIterator< K, T, C, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrMultiMap::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTPtrMultiMapIterator< K, T, C, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrMultiMap::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Member RWTPtrMultiSet< T, C, A >::container_comp
As of SourcePro 12.5, use key_compare instead.
Class RWTPtrMultiSetConstIterator< T, C, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrMultiSet::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTPtrMultiSetIterator< T, C, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrMultiSet::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Member RWTPtrOrderedVector< T, A >::length () const
As of SourcePro 12.5, use entries() instead.
Member RWTPtrSet< T, C, A >::container_comp
As of SourcePro 12.5, use key_compare instead.
Class RWTPtrSetConstIterator< T, C, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrSet::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTPtrSetIterator< T, C, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrSet::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTPtrSlistConstIterator< T, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrSlist::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTPtrSlistIterator< T, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrSlist::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Member RWTPtrSortedDlist< T, C, A >::container_comp
As of SourcePro 12.5, use key_compare instead.
Class RWTPtrSortedDlistConstIterator< T, C, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrSortedDlist::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTPtrSortedDlistIterator< T, C, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTPtrSortedDlist::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Member RWTPtrSortedVector< T, C, A >::container_comp
As of SourcePro 12.5, use key_compare instead.
Member RWTPtrSortedVector< T, C, A >::length () const
As of SourcePro 12.5, use entries() instead.
Member RWTPtrSortedVector< T, C, A >::RWTPtrSortedVector (size_type n)
As of SourcePro 11.1.
Member RWTPtrVector< T >::length () const
As of SourcePro 13, use entries() instead.
Member RWTraceManager::getTraceLevel () const
As of SourcePro 11.1, use getLevel() instead.
Member RWTraceManager::setTraceLevel (RWTraceEventSeverity level)
As of SourcePro 11.1, use setLevel() instead.
Member RWTReadGuardBase< Resource >::RWTReadGuardBase (Resource &resource)
As of SourcePro 13, use RWTReadGuardBase(Resource&, bool) instead.
Member RWTReadLockGuardBase< Resource >::RWTReadLockGuardBase (Resource &resource)
As of SourcePro 13, use RWTReadLockGuardBase(Resource&, bool) instead.
Class RWTRegularExpression< charT >
As of SourcePro 4, use RWTRegex instead.
Member RWTSocketAttribute< Socket >::ANY
As of SourcePro 1, use sock_attr_any instead.
Member RWTSocketAttribute< Socket >::CANACCEPT
As of SourcePro 1, use sock_attr_canaccept instead.
Member RWTSocketAttribute< Socket >::CANREAD
As of SourcePro 1, use sock_attr_canread instead.
Member RWTSocketAttribute< Socket >::CANWRITE
As of SourcePro 1, use sock_attr_canwrite instead.
Member RWTSocketAttribute< Socket >::EXCEPTION
As of SourcePro 1, use sock_attr_exception instead.
Member RWTSocketAttribute< Socket >::ISCONNECTED
As of SourcePro 1, use sock_attr_isconnected instead.
Member RWTSocketAttribute< Socket >::ISEXCEPTION
As of SourcePro 1, use sock_attr_exception instead.
Member RWTSocketAttribute< Socket >::NIL
As of SourcePro 1, use sock_attr_nil instead.
Member RWTSocketAttribute< Socket >::RWEXCEPTION
As of SourcePro 1, use sock_attr_exception instead.
Class RWTValDlistConstIterator< T, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValDlist::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTValDlistIterator< T, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValDlist::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTValHashMapConstIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValHashMap::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTValHashMapIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValHashMap::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTValHashMultiMapConstIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValHashMultiMap::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTValHashMultiMapIterator< K, T, H, EQ, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValHashMultiMap::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTValHashMultiSetConstIterator< T, H, EQ, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValHashMultiSet::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTValHashMultiSetIterator< T, H, EQ, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValHashMultiSet::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTValHashSetConstIterator< T, H, EQ, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValHashSet::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTValHashSetIterator< T, H, EQ, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValHashSet::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Member RWTValMap< K, T, C, A >::applyToKeyAndValue (void(*fn)(const key_type &, mapped_type &, void *), void *d)
As of SourcePro 11.1, use apply() instead.
Member RWTValMap< K, T, C, A >::applyToKeyAndValue (void(*fn)(const key_type &, const mapped_type &, void *), void *d) const
As of SourcePro 11.1, use apply() instead.
Class RWTValMapConstIterator< K, T, C, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValMap::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTValMapIterator< K, T, C, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValMap::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTValMultiMapConstIterator< K, T, C, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValMultiMap::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTValMultiMapIterator< K, T, C, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValMultiMap::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTValMultiSetConstIterator< T, C, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValMultiSet::const_iterator instead.
Class RWTValMultiSetIterator< T, C, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValMultiSet::iterator instead.
Member RWTValOrderedVector< bool, A >::length () const
As of SourcePro 13, use entries() instead.
Member RWTValOrderedVector< T, A >::length () const
As of SourcePro 13, use entries() instead.
Class RWTValSetConstIterator< T, C, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValSet::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTValSetIterator< T, C, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValSet::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTValSlistConstIterator< T, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValSlist::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTValSlistIterator< T, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValSlist::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTValSortedDlistConstIterator< T, C, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValSortedDlist::const_iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Class RWTValSortedDlistIterator< T, C, A >
As of SourcePro 12.5, use RWTValSortedDlist::iterator to iterate over the elements in this collection.
Member RWTValSortedVector< bool, C, A >::length () const
As of SourcePro 13, use entries() instead.
Member RWTValSortedVector< T, C, A >::length () const
As of SourcePro 13, use entries() instead.
Member RWTValVector< T >::length () const
As of SourcePro 13, use entries() instead.
Class RWTValVirtualArray< T >
As of SourcePro 11.1.
Member RWTWriteGuardBase< Resource >::RWTWriteGuardBase (Resource &resource)
As of SourcePro 13, use RWTWriteGuardBase(Resource&, bool) instead.
Member RWTWriteLockGuardBase< Resource >::RWTWriteLockGuardBase (Resource &resource)
As of SourcePro 13, use RWTWriteLockGuardBase(Resource&, bool) instead.
globalScope> Member RWUnsafeCounter
As of SourcePro 11.1, use RWAtomicCounter.
Class RWVirtualPageHeap
As of SourcePro 11.1. RWVirtualPageHeap is deprecated and is no longer supported. It may be removed from future releases.
Member RWWinSockInfo::RWWinSockInfo (FARPROC blockingHook)
As of SourcePro 4. Blocking hooks are no longer supported by the Windows Socket 2 API.
Member RWWString::first (wchar_t c, size_t) const
As of SourcePro 12, use RWWString::first(wchar_t) const instead.
Member RWWString::initialCapacity (size_t capacity=15)
As of SourcePro 12.
Member RWWString::last (wchar_t c, size_t) const
As of SourcePro 12, use RWWString::last(wchar_t) const instead.
Member RWWString::maxWaste (size_t maxwaste=16)
As of SourcePro 12.
Member RWWString::resizeIncrement (size_t increment=16)
As of SourcePro 12.
As of SourcePro 1, use rwSetBlocking() instead.
As of SourcePro 1, use rwSetNonBlocking() instead.
Page SourcePro ISO 8601 Compatibility Parser Reference
As of SourcePro 14. See RWDateTime::Format for alternative parsers.
Member strXForm
As of SourcePro 12, use strXForm(const RWCString&) instead.
Member strXForm
As of SourcePro 12, use strXForm(const RWWString&) instead.

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