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RWTime Member List

This is the complete list of members for RWTime, including all inherited members.

asString(char format= '\0', const RWZone &zone=RWZone::local(), const RWLocale &locale=RWLocale::global()) const RWTime
asString(const char *format, const RWZone &zone=RWZone::local(), const RWLocale &locale=RWLocale::global()) const RWTime
beginDST(unsigned year, const RWZone &zone=RWZone::local())RWTimestatic
between(const RWTime &a, const RWTime &b) const RWTimeinline
binaryStoreSize() const RWTimeinline
compareTo(const RWTime *t) const RWTime
endDST(unsigned year, const RWZone &zone=RWZone::local())RWTimestatic
extract(struct tm *ptm, const RWZone &zone=RWZone::local()) const RWTime
hash() const RWTime
hash(const RWTime &t)RWTimestatic
hour(const RWZone &zone=RWZone::local()) const RWTime
hourGMT() const RWTime
isDST(const RWZone &zone=RWZone::local()) const RWTime
isValid() const RWTimeinline
max(const RWTime &t) const RWTimeinline
min(const RWTime &t) const RWTimeinline
minute(const RWZone &zone=RWZone::local()) const RWTime
minuteGMT() const RWTime
operator!=(const RWTime &t1, const RWTime &t2)RWTimefriend
operator+(const RWTime &t, unsigned long s)RWTimefriend
operator+(unsigned long s, const RWTime &t)RWTimefriend
operator+=(unsigned long s)RWTimeinline
operator-(const RWTime &t, unsigned long s)RWTimefriend
operator-=(unsigned long s)RWTimeinline
operator<(const RWTime &t1, const RWTime &t2)RWTimefriend
operator<<(std::ostream &s, const RWTime &t)RWTimefriend
operator<<(RWvostream &str, const RWTime &t)RWTimerelated
operator<<(RWFile &file, const RWTime &t)RWTimerelated
operator<=(const RWTime &t1, const RWTime &t2)RWTimefriend
operator==(const RWTime &t1, const RWTime &t2)RWTimefriend
operator>(const RWTime &t1, const RWTime &t2)RWTimefriend
operator>=(const RWTime &t1, const RWTime &t2)RWTimefriend
operator>>(RWvistream &str, RWTime &t)RWTimerelated
operator>>(RWFile &file, RWTime &t)RWTimerelated
RWTime(unsigned long s)RWTimeinline
RWTime(unsigned hour, unsigned minute, unsigned second=0, const RWZone &zone=RWZone::local())RWTime
RWTime(const RWDate &date, unsigned hour=0, unsigned minute=0, unsigned second=0, const RWZone &zone=RWZone::local())RWTime
RWTime(const RWDate &date, const RWCString &str, const RWZone &zone=RWZone::local(), const RWLocale &locale=RWLocale::global())RWTime
RWTime(const struct tm *ptm, const RWZone &zone=RWZone::local())RWTime
second() const RWTime
seconds() const RWTimeinline

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