Rendering Techniques
3D Visualization Toolkit (VTK) Routines
Standard Library procedure that computes, and optionally displays, an isosurface of the specified 3D data.
Collects point attributes for VTK datasets.
Creates a set of axes.
Creates a plot of 3D cylinders.
Changes the camera’s parameters.
Adds a color bar legend to a VTK scene using the current PV-WAVE color table.
Closes the VTK process.
Sends Tcl and VTK commands to the Tcl process.
Erases the contents of the current VTK window.
Returns the names of all Lights, Cameras and Actors in a renderer.
Adds 3D grid lines to a VTK scene.
Creates a HedgeHog (vector) plot.
Initializes the VTK system.
Displays the requested iso surfaces of a volume.
Adds a light to a VTK window.
Adds a polyline.
Passes vertex/polygon lists, lines, points, and triangles to VTK.
Renders a polygon object.
Reads a PPM file.
Writes the contents of a VTK window to a PPM file.
Passes data describing a Rectiliniar Grid to VTK.
Renders a VTK window.
Renders 3D points.
Shows a 2D array three ways in a display that combines vtkSURFACE, "CONTOUR", and an image map.
Creates a sliced 3D volume at specific x, y, z locations.
Passes data describing a structured grid to VTK.
Passes data describing structured points to VTK.
Renders a surface.
Generates a 3D surface from sampled points assumed to lie on a surface.
Adds a text string.
Returns the contents of a VTK window as a bitmapped image.
Passes data describing an unstructured grid to VTK.
Closes a VTK window, however it does not shut down the Tcl process.
Creates a VTK window.
Creates a Virtual Reality Modeling Language file (VRML .wrl file) from a scene in a VTK window.
Sets the active VTK window.
Polygon Generation Routines
Standard Library procedure that computes, and optionally displays, an isosurface of the specified 3D data.
Generates the vertex list and polygon list that represent a sphere.
Generates a 3D vertex list and a polygon list, given a 2D array containing Z values.
Given a 3D volume and a contour value, produces a list of vertices and polygons describing the contour surface (also known as an iso-surface).
Polygon Manipulation Routines
Returns a list of colors for each polygon, given a polygon list and a list of colors for each vertex.
Returns the total number of polygons contained in a polygon list.
Merges two vertex lists and two polygon lists together so that they can be rendered in a single pass.
Polygon Rendering Routines
Standard Library procedure that computes, and optionally displays, an isosurface of the specified 3D data.
Creates an image of a ball and stick molecular model.
Renders a given list of polygons.
Constructs a shaded surface representation of one or more solids described by a set of polygons.
Generates a ray-traced rendered image from one or more predefined objects.
Generates a ray-traced rendered 24-bit image of m objects.
Ray Tracing Routines
Defines a conic object that can be used by the RENDER function.
Defines a cylindrical object that can be used by the RENDER function.
Defines a polygonal mesh object that can be used by the RENDER function.
Generates a ray-traced rendered image from one or more predefined objects.
Generates a ray-traced rendered 24-bit image of m objects.
Defines a spherical object that can be used by the RENDER function.
Defines the volumetric data that can be used by the RENDER function.
Volume Manipulation Routines
Applies an affine transformation to an array.
Isolates a homogeneous region in an array.
Counts homogeneous regions in an array.
Computes the boundary of a region in an array.
Differentiates a function represented by an array.
Computes moments of an array.
Finds the neighbors of specified array elements.
Resamples an array to new dimensions.
Returns a 2D array containing a slice from a 3D volumetric array.
Returns a 3D volume of data padded on all six sides with zeroes.
Returns a 3D volume of data transformed by a 4-by-4 matrix.
Volume Rendering Routines
Standard Library procedure that computes, and optionally displays, an isosurface of the specified 3D data.
Generates a ray-traced rendered image from one or more predefined objects.
Plots a 3D vector field from three arrays.
Displays colored markers scattered throughout a volume.
Renders volumetric data in a translucent manner.