RENDER24 Function
Standard Library function that generates a ray-traced rendered 24-bit image of m objects.
result = RENDER24(b)
Input Parameters
bAn m-element list containing the m objects to render; objects are created using the CONE, CYLINDER, MESH, or SPHERE functions. The objects must be created with default material properties since these properties are controlled with keywords (see below).
Returned Value
result—(n,p,3) byte array containing a 24-bit image of the objects.
c—(m,3) array of normalized RGB color components for the objects; by default, c(*,*) = 1.0
k—(m,3,3) array of normalized shade components for the objects: k(i,j,*) contains the ambient, reflective, and transmissive components for c(i,j). The sum of the three components must not exceed one. The default is k(i,j,*) = [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ]
v—(3,4) array used to override the view automaticaly generated from !p.t. If defined, v works like RENDER’s View keyword; if undefined. v works like RENDER’s Info keyword.
g—(4,q) array giving position and intensity for q light sources; the sum of the source intensities g(3,*) must equal one. The default is a single light source at the viewer's eye.
s—A 2-element vector specifying image size. The default is [256,256]
b(1).TRANSFORM(3, 2) = 2
c = [[0,0], [1,0], [0,1]]
WINDOW, Xsize=500, Ysize=500
T3D, /Reset, Rotate=[0, 50, 0]
TV, RENDER24(b, c=c, s=[500, 500]), True=3
See Also