HDF Routines
Retrieves the current value of the “ncerr” variable as discussed in the error section of the NetCDF User’s Guide.
Retrieves the current value of the ncopts variable as discussed in the error section of the NetCDF User’s Guide.
Obtains an HDF Raster 24 image.
Obtains HDF object (e.g., an SDS, Raster 8 image, etc.) annotations, either a label or a description.
Obtains an HDF file annotation, either label or description.
Obtains the HDF number type (i.e., data type) and descriptive number type string for the current HDF Scientific Data Set.
Obtains an HDF Raster 8 image and associated palette.
Gets the maximum and minimum range for the current HDF Scientific Data Set.
Gets an HDF Scientific Data Set.
Loads an HDF palette as a PV‑WAVE color table.
Puts an HDF Raster 24 image into an HDF file.
Inserts HDF file labels and file descriptions (annotations) into a file.
Writes an 8 bit image to an HDF file.
Writes a Scientific Data Set to an HDF file.
Scans an HDF file and prints a simple list of file contents by HDF object type.
Computes and sets the HDF number type (i.e., data type) and descriptive number type string for the specified data array.
A batch file used to initialize the HDF interface.
Runs the PV‑WAVE HDF test suite.
Sets the value of the ncopts variable and defines the level of error reporting for the netCDF functions as discussed in the error section of the NetCDF User’s Guide.
HDF5 Attribute Interface
Closes the specified attribute.
Creates a dataset as an attribute of another group, dataset, or named datatype.
Deletes an attribute from a specified location.
Gets an attribute name.
Determines the number of attributes attached to an object.
Gets a copy of the dataspace for an attribute.
Gets an attribute datatype.
Opens the attribute specified by its index.
Opens an attribute specified by name.
Reads an attribute.
Writes data to an attribute.
HDF5 Dataset Interface
Closes the specified dataset.
Creates a new dataset and links it to a location in the file.
Extends a dataset.
Returns an identifier for a copy of the dataset creation property list for a dataset.
Returns an identifier for a copy of the dataspace for a dataset.
Returns the amount of storage allocated for a dataset.
Returns an identifier for a copy of the datatype for a dataset.
Opens an existing dataset.
Reads data from a dataset.
Writes data to a dataset.
HDF5 Error Interface
Prints an error stack in a default manner.
Turns automatic error printing on or off.
HDF5 File Interface
Terminates access to an HDF5 file.
Creates an HDF5 file.
Flushes all buffers associated with a file to disk.
Returns a file access property list identifier.
Returns a file creation property list identifier.
Determines whether a file is in the HDF5 format.
Mounts a file.
Opens an existing HDF5 file.
Returns a new identifier for a previously-opened HDF5 file.
Unmounts a file.
HDF5 Group Interface
Closes the specified group.
Creates a new empty group and links it to a location in the file.
Retrieves comment for specified object
Returns the name of the object that the symbolic link points to.
Returns number of objects in the group specified by its identifier
Returns information about an object.
Returns a name of an object specified by an index.
Returns the type of an object specified by an index.
Creates a link of the specified type from new_name to current_name.
Renames an object within an HDF5 file.
Opens an existing group with a group access property list.
Sets comment for specified object.
Removes the link to an object from a group.
HDF5 Identifier Interface
Retrieves a name of an object based on the object identifier.
Retrieves the type of an object.
HDF5 Property List Interface
Terminates access to a property list.
Copies an existing property list to create a new property list.
Creates a new property as an instance of a property list class.
Compares two property lists or classes for equality.
Retrieves the current settings for alignment properties from a file access property list.
Gets B-tree split ratios for a dataset transfer property list.
Queries the raw data chunk cache parameters.
Retrieves the size of chunks for the raw data of a chunked layout dataset.
Returns the property list class for a property list.
Returns low-level driver identifier.
Returns information about an external file.
Returns the number of external files for a dataset.
Queries core file driver properties.
Returns file access property list information.
Retrieves a dataset fill value.
Queries the 1/2 rank of an indexed storage B-tree.
Returns the layout of the raw data for a dataset.
Returns the current metadata block size setting.
Checks status of the dataset transfer property list.
Returns maximum data sieve buffer size.
Retrieves the size of the offsets and lengths used in an HDF5 file.
Retrieves the current small data block size setting.
Retrieves the size of the symbol table B-tree 1/2 rank and the symbol table leaf node 1/2 size.
Retrieves the size of a user block.
Retrieves the version information of various objects for a file creation property list.
Sets alignment properties of a file access property list.
Sets B-tree split ratios for a dataset transfer property list.
Sets the raw data chunk cache parameters.
Sets the size of the chunks used to store a chunked layout dataset.
Sets deflate (GNU gzip) compression method and compression level.
Adds an external file to the list of external files.
Modifies the file access property list to use the H5FD_CORE driver.
Sets the file access property list to use the family driver.
Sets the sec2 driver.
Emulates the old split file driver.
Sets the standard I/O driver.
Sets the fill value for a dataset.
Sets the size of the parameter used to control the B-trees for indexing chunked datasets.
Sets the type of storage used to store the raw data for a dataset.
Sets the minimum metadata block size.
Sets the maximum size of the data sieve buffer.
Sets the byte size of the offsets and lengths used to address objects in an HDF5 file.
Sets the size of a contiguous block reserved for small data.
Sets the size of parameters used to control the symbol table nodes.
Sets user block size.
HDF5 Dataspace Interface
Releases and terminates access to a dataspace.
Creates an exact copy of a dataspace.
Creates a new dataspace of a specified type.
Creates a new simple dataspace and opens it for access.
Copies the extent of a dataspace.
Gets the bounding box containing the current selection.
Gets the number of element points in the current selection.
Gets the list of element points currently selected.
Gets the list of hyperslab blocks currently selected.
Get number of hyperslab blocks.
Determines the number of elements in a dataspace selection.
Retrieves dataspace dimension size and maximum size.
Determines the dimensionality of a dataspace.
Determines the number of elements in a dataspace.
Determines the current class of a dataspace.
Determines whether a dataspace is a simple dataspace.
Sets the offset of a simple dataspace.
Selects an entire dataspace.
Selects array elements to be included in the selection for a dataspace.
Selects a hyperslab region to add to the current selected region.
Resets the selection region to include no elements.
Verifies that the selection is within the extent of the dataspace.
Removes the extent from a dataspace.
Sets or resets the size of an existing dataspace.
HDF5 Data Type Interface
Creates an array datatype object.
Releases a datatype.
Commits a transient datatype to a file, creating a new named datatype.
Determines whether a datatype is a named type or a transient type.
Copies an existing datatype.
Creates a new datatype.
Creates a new enumeration datatype.
Inserts a new enumeration datatype member.
Returns the symbol name corresponding to a specified member of an enumeration datatype.
Returns the value corresponding to a specified member of an enumeration datatype.
Determines whether two datatype identifiers refer to the same datatype.
Retrieves sizes of array dimensions.
Returns the rank of an array datatype.
Returns the datatype class identifier.
Retrieves the character set type of a string datatype.
Retrieves the exponent bias of a floating-point type.
Retrieves floating point datatype bit field information.
Retrieves the internal padding type for unused bits in floating-point datatypes.
Returns datatype class of compound datatype member.
Retrieves the index of a compound or enumeration datatype member.
Retrieves the name of a compound or enumeration datatype member.
Retrieves the offset of a field of a compound datatype.
Returns the datatype of the specified member.
Returns the value of an enumeration datatype member.
Retrieves the number of elements in a compound or enumeration datatype.
Retrieves mantissa normalization of a floating-point datatype.
Retrieves the bit offset of the first significant bit.
Returns the byte order of an atomic datatype.
Retrieves the padding type of the least and most-significant bit padding.
Returns the precision of an atomic datatype.
Retrieves the sign type for an integer type.
Returns the size of a datatype.
Retrieves the storage mechanism for a string datatype.
Returns the base datatype from which a datatype is derived.
Adds a new member to a compound datatype.
Determines whether datatype is a variable-length string.
Locks a datatype.
Opens a named datatype.
Sets character set to be used.
Sets the exponent bias of a floating-point type.
Sets locations and sizes of floating point bit fields.
Fills unused internal floating point bits.
Sets the mantissa normalization of a floating-point datatype.
Sets the bit offset of the first significant bit.
Sets the byte order of a datatype.
Sets the least and most-significant bits padding types.
Sets the precision of an atomic datatype.
Sets the sign property for an integer type.
Sets the total size for an atomic datatype.
Defines the storage mechanism for character strings.
Creates a new variable-length datatype.
HDF5 General Functions
Verifies that HDF5 library versions are consistent.
Flushes all data to disk, closes all open identifiers, and cleans up memory.
Returns the HDF library release number.