PV-WAVE Foundation > VDA Tools > Navigator > File Menu (Navigator)
File Menu (Navigator)
The File menu contains the following commands:
Restore Session—Brings up a file tool that you can use to restore a previously saved Navigator session. By default, session save files have a .sav extension. Do not try to restore a saved Navigator configuration file with Restore Session. Use Restore Configuration instead.
Save Session—Opens a dialog box in which you specify which of the currently running VDA Tools to save in a session save file. Use this same dialog box to specify the name of the save file.
Save Template As—Opens a dialog box in which you specify a template filename. For more information, see Creating Customized Templates.
Restore Configuration—Brings up a file tool that you can use to restore a previously saved Navigator configuration. By default, configuration save files have a .sav extension.
Save Configuration—Brings up a file tool that you can use to save a Navigator configuration. By default, configuration save files have a .sav extension.
Close—Exits the Navigator and closes any open VDA Tools (whether they were started up through the Navigator or at the WAVE> command line).