PV-WAVE Foundation > VDA Tools > Navigator > Creating Customized Templates
Creating Customized Templates
If you typically perform the same kinds of Visual Data Analysis tasks using the Navigator, you might want to customize the Navigator with certain default settings by creating a template.
For example, you might want all 2D plots to have a blue background, a title, an axis on the bottom, and a legend in the upper right corner.
The steps for customizing a template file for a given VDA Tool are:
1. Open a VDA Tool.
2. Configure the VDA Tool. To configure the tool means modifying the default settings in dialog boxes and adding graphical elements.
3. From the VDA Tool menu, choose File=>Save Template As to save the VDA Tool defaults as a template.
4. In the Navigator, choose Defaults=>Toolname to associate a saved template with a particular VDA Tool. Thereafter, anytime you open that particular VDA Tool, its defaults will be configured by the template.
Another way to use a template file is to specify it when you start the Navigator. For example:
WAVE> NAVIGATOR, Template='surfaces.tpl'
See Also
The steps listed here are described in more detail in the following Help topics: