Interpolation and Approximation
Cubic Spline Interpolation
Computes a cubic spline interpolant, specifying various endpoint conditions
Shape preserving
B-Spline Interpolation
One-dimensional and two-dimensional interpolation
Knot sequence given interpolation data
B-Spline and Cubic Spline Evaluation and Interpolation
Evaluation and differentiation
Least-Squares Approximation and Smoothing
General functions
Splines with fixed knots
Constrained spline fit
Cubic-smoothing spline
Evaluates a polynomial in n variables.
Fits a polynomial to some n dimensional data.
Widget-based interface
Smooth one-dimensional data by error detection.
Computes the coefficients for the Wendland polynomial of type (d,k).
Scattered Data Interpolation
Akima's surface-fitting method
Computes a fit using radial-basis functions
Evaluates a radial-basis fit
Multiscale radial basis interpolation for n-dimensional data.