Frees memory associated with a Wave variable handle.
Any Wave Variable Handle (WVH) or Wave Structure Definition Handle (WSDH) returned from such PV-WAVE OPI interface routines as wave_get_WVH(), wave_wsdh_from_WVH() or wsdh_element() must be freed by the calling routine via wave_free_WVH or wave_free_WSDH or resource leaks will develop.
C Usage
void wave_free_WVH(WVHptr)
WVH *WVHptr;
INTEGER*4 l_wvh
64-bit UNIX FORTRAN Usage
INTEGER*8 l_wvh
Input Parameters
WVHptr—A pointer to the Wave Variable Handle for the named or unnamed PV‑WAVE variable to free.
This function frees the space associated with both named and unnamed Wave variable handles. Before an option procedure or function returns, it must call this routine to free all Wave variable handles obtained via the wave_get_WVH and wave_get_unWVH functions. The option developer should not free a WVH which will be used as a return value.
When a named variable’s WVH is passed to this function, only the space associated with the Wave variable handle is freed; the PV‑WAVE variable itself is not altered in any way. When an unnamed variable’s Wave variable handle is passed to this function, space associated with both the Wave variable handle and the unnamed variable are freed; the unnamed variable no longer exists after this function returns.