PV-WAVE Extreme Advantage > Image Processing Toolkit User Guide > Reference J–Z > REGION_STATS Function (PV-WAVE Extreme Advantage)
REGION_STATS Function (PV-WAVE Extreme Advantage)
Performs several statistical calculations on specified regions in an image.
result = REGION_STATS(image[, region_image])
Input Parameters
image—An image with binary regions. This parameter must be a byte array data type, if region_image is not given.
region_image—(optional) A 2D byte array with binary regions. This parameter is used as a mask to identify the pixels that compose each region in image.
Returned Value
result—A 2D double array of statistics with dimensions 11-by-n_regions, where n_regions is the number of regions for which the statistics are computed. The 11 statistics of the regions in image are as follows:
*area—The number of pixels in the region.
*mean—The average of pixels in the region.
*min—The minimum pixel value in the region.
*max—The maximum pixel value in the region.
*stdev—The standard deviation of the pixel values in the region.
*mode—The most frequent pixel value in the region.
*range—The difference between the minimum and the maximum value in the region.
*perimeter—The distance around the border of the region in pixels.
*compactness—A measure of the compactness of the region. Defined as the perimeter squared over the area.
*major axis angle—The angle of the major axis through the region. The major axis is directed in the area of maximal region dispersion.
*centroid—The centroid of the region, given as the element number in the image.
Region_Values—A 1D byte array specifying the regions in  image or region_image for which to compute statistics. (Default: all regions in  image or region_image)
Statistical measures on regions within an image provide valuable quantitative descriptions of segmented objects. The statistical measures performed by the REGION_STATS function for each region value, i, are defined as follows:
*Areai = N, where N is the number of elements in region_image equal to i.
*Meani = TOTAL(x)/N, where N is the number of elements in region_image equal to i, and x is the subset of pixels in image where region_image is equal to i.
*Mini = MIN(x), where x is the subset of pixels in image where region_image is equal to i.
*Maxi = MAX(x), where x is the subset of pixels in image where region_image is equal to i.
*Stdevi = STDEV(x), where x is the subset of pixels in image where region_image is equal to i.
*Modei = MODE(x), where x is the subset of pixels in image where region_image is equal to i.
*Rangei = RANGE(x), where x is the subset of pixels in image where region_image is equal to i.
*Perimeteri = PERIMETER(x, e), where x is the subset of pixels in image where region_image is equal to i, and e is an array of the element numbers in region_image that are equal to i.
*Compactnessi = [PERIMETER(x, e)*PERIMETER(x, e)]/Areai, where x is the subset of pixels in image where region_image is equal to i, and e is an array of the element numbers in region_image that are equal to i.
*Major Axisi = MAJOR_AXIS(x, e), where x is the subset of pixels in image where region_image is equal to i, and e is an array of the element numbers in region_image that are equal to i.
*Centroidi = CENTROID(x, e), where x is the subset of pixels in image where region_image is equal to i, and e is an array of the element numbers in region_image that are equal to i.
; Read an image.
knee = IMAGE_READ(!IP_Data + 'sagknee.tif')
; Find regions in image using K-mean segmentation. Choose random
; points for the cluster seeds.
cluster_seeds = [20, 30, 500, 1000, 2000]
region_image = IPCLUSTER(knee('pixels'), $
cluster_seeds, Fill_Values = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
; Compute the statistics of the original image pixels underlying
; the identified regions.
result = REGION_STATS(knee('pixels'), region_image)
; View the statistics for each region.
PRINT, result
See Also