Color Tool Menus
File Menu (Color Tool)
The File menu is used to open, save, and close the Color Tool. This menu contains the following commands:
Restore—Opens a file tool that you can use to restore a previously saved VDA Tool.
Save—Saves the current state of the Color Tool, including the settings in the controls area. If a save file was not previously created, a file tool dialog box appears where you can specify a filename. By default, save files have a .sav extension.
Save As—Opens a file tool that you can use to specify a file in which to save the current color table view. The current state, including the settings in the controls area of the Color Tool is saved. By default, save files have a .sav extension.
Save Template As—Opens a file tool used to save a template. By default, template files have a .tpl extension.
Close—Exits the VDA Tool.
Edit Menu (Color Tool)
The Edit menu contains functions for editing and modifying the color table. This menu contains the following commands:
Undo—Resets the color table to its state just prior to the last operation.
Linear Ramp—Performs a linear interpolation of the color table based on specified start and end colors. The new progression in the color table uses the color indices specified in the Ramp Start and Ramp End control area text fields.
Exponential Ramp—Performs an exponentially weighted ramp (interpolation) of the color table based on the specified start and end colors. The new progression weights the table toward the starting color of the ramp based on the color index specified in the Ramp Start text field in the controls area.
Logarithmic Ramp—Performs a logarithmically weighted ramp (interpolation) of the color table based on the specified start and end colors. The new progression weights the colors toward the ending color of the ramp based on the color index specified in the Ramp End text field in the controls area.
Color Wheel—Opens a dialog box that you can use to modify a selected color. The color wheel dialog box that appears shows the selected color index number in the window title. The dialog box allows you to modify only the color selected in the Selected Color text field when Edit=>Color Wheel was chosen.
Attributes Menu (Color Tool)
The Attributes menu is used to modify the arrangement of color tables in the Color Tool window. This menu contains the following command:
View Attributes—Opens a dialog box that you can use to choose which of the color tables (image, plot, or both) to display.
Color Table Menu (Color Tool)
The Color Table menu is used to select a predefined system color table, or select, create, or delete a custom color table. The menu contains the following commands:
System—Opens the System Color Tables dialog box containing a list of predefined system color tables for the image colors. Select the system color table by clicking MB1 on the table name in the list box.
Custom—Opens the Custom Color Tables dialog box containing a list of all custom color tables. Select the custom color table by clicking MB1 on the table name in the list box.
Load Default—Loads the default image and plot colors.
Save Custom—Opens the Create Custom Color Table dialog box containing the list of existing custom color tables and a selection text field for naming the new custom color table.
Delete Custom—Opens the Delete Custom Color Table dialog box containing the list of all custom color tables. Select the table to delete by clicking MB1 on the table name.
Options Menu (Color Tool)
The Options menu lets you hide or show portions of a VDA Tool window.
Select a menu item to show the corresponding area of the window, deselect a menu item to hide an area.
Controls Area—Show or hide the controls area.
Message Area—Show or hide the message area.
The Option menu is not available under Microsoft Windows.
Help Menu (Color Tool)
The Help menu lets you access online help information. This menu contains the following commands.
On Window—Brings up the online Help table of contents for the VDA Tool.
On PV-WAVE—Brings up the Table of Contents for PV-WAVE online help. This is the full PV-WAVE reference.
On Help—Brings up information about how to use the online Help system.
On Version—Displays information on the current version of PV-WAVE.
Window Menu (Color Tool)
Lists the names of all of the currently open VDA Tools. To pop a VDA Tool to the front, select its name from this menu.