vtkTEXT Procedure

Adds a text string.


vtkTEXT, string

Input Parameters

string—The scalar string containing the text that is to be output to the display surface. If not of string type, it is converted prior to use.


Name—Specifies a name to be used to create this object. If an undefined variable is used or no name specified, then a random name is used. This name can be used in calls to vtkCOMMAND to modify this object.

Position—An array of three floating point numbers specifying the x, y, and z position for the beginning of text. (Default: [0,0,0])

Color—The color to use for text. See vtkWINDOW Procedure for possible ways to specify the color. (Default: 'white')

Follow—If nonzero, forces the text to always be facing the camera.

Orientation—An array of three floating point numbers specifying the x, y, and z rotations of text in degrees. The actual rotations are performed in this order: z then x and finally y. This keyword has no effect if Follow is specified.

Keyword Charsize is also supported. For a description, see Graphics and Plotting Keywords.


This procedure is similar to the XYOUTS procedure for PV-WAVE windows.


vtkTEXT, "This is vtkText", color="red", charsize=10