vtkWINDOW Procedure

Creates a VTK window.


vtkWINDOW [,window_index]

Input Parameters

window_index—(optional) An integer specifying the index of the newly created window.

If window_index is omitted, 0 is used as the index of the new window.

If the value of window_index specifies an existing window, the existing window is deleted and a new window is created.


Free—If nonzero, creates a window using an unused window index. This keyword can be used instead of specifying the window_index parameter.

NoRender—If nonzero, prevents individual objects (vtkLIGHT, vtkAXES, vtkPOLYSHADE, etc.) from being rendered as they are added to the window. Specifying NoRender can speed up the initial display of a scene if you have multiple objects in it. If specified, you must manually call vtkRENDERWINDOW after you have added all of your objects to the window.

Background—Background color for the window. The color can be specified in any of the following ways (the color ‘red’ is used here as an example):

‘red’—See the file <RW_DIR>/vtk-3_2/lib/vtkcolornames.pro for a complete list of supported color names, where <RW_DIR> is the path to the PV-WAVE installation.

‘FF0000’XL— A long integer hexadecimal value specifying the 24-bit color.

[1.0, 0.0, 0.0]—A three-element vector of normalized floating point values specifying the red, green, and blue components of the color.

2—If a short byte or short integer value is passed, the RGB color is obtained from the corresponding entry in the current PV-WAVE color table. In this case, when TEK_COLOR has been called, color index 2 is red.

/NoInteract—If nonzero, indicates that you do not wish to provide the standard set of mouse controls for viewing the 3D scene. The resulting scene can be manipulated only by programmatically setting the positional parameters for objects or cameras.

XPos, YPos—The x and y positions of the lower-left corner of the new window, specified in device coordinates.

If no position is specified, a position of (0,0) is used.

XSize—The width of the window, in pixels. (Default: 400)

YSize—The height of the window, in pixels. (Default: 400)


This procedure is similar to the PV-WAVE WINDOW command. It allows the created window to have built-in interaction associated with it.

Example 1

This example shows how to bring up a VTK window.

vtkWINDOW, 1

Example 2

This example shows how to bring up a VTK window with a blue background and with the mouse controls disabled. windownum is the number of the free window.

vtkWINDOW, windownum, /Free, background='blue', /nointeract

See Also