Coordinate Conversion Routines

CONVERT_BASE (values, newBase [,oldBase])

Converts a base-10 integer to an arbitrary base representation.

CONVERT_COORD (points) OR (x [, y, z])

Converts coordinates from one coordinate system to another.

CONV_FROM_RECT (vec1, vec2, vec3)

Converts rectangular coordinates (points) to polar, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates.

CONV_TO_RECT (vec1, vec2, vec3)

Converts polar, cylindrical, or spherical coordinates to rectangular coordinates (points).

POLY_DEV (points, winx, winy)

Returns a list of 3D points converted from normal coordinates to device coordinates.

POLY_NORM (points)

Returns a list of 3D points converted from data coordinates to normal coordinates.

POLY_TRANS (points, trans)

Returns a list of 3D points transformed by a 4-by-4 transformation matrix.