POLY_NORM Function

Returns a list of 3D points converted from data coordinates to normal coordinates.


result = POLY_NORM(points)

Input Parameters

points — A (3, n) array of points (or vertices) to transform.

Returned Value

result — The list of 3D points that has been converted from data coordinates to normal coordinates.




POLY_NORM uses the system variables !X.S, !Y.S, and !Z.S to do the conversion. (These variables are described in System Variables.)


See the Example section in the description of POLY_C_CONV.

For other examples, see the poly_demo1, sphere_demo3, and vol_demo4 demonstration programs in:


Where <wavedir> is the main PV-WAVE directory.

See Also


For more information, see Coordinate Conversion in Chapter 7, and the section Three Graphics Coordinate Systems in Chapter 4 of the PVWAVE User’s Guide.