Window Routines

WCOPY ( [window_index] )

(Microsoft Windows Only) Copies the contents of a graphics window onto the Clipboard.

WDELETE [, window_index]

Deletes the specified window.

WINDOW [, window_index]

Creates a window for the display of graphics or text.

WMENU (strings)

Displays a menu inside the current window whose choices are given by the elements of a string array and which returns the index of the user’s response.

WPASTE ( [window_index] )

(Microsoft Windows Only) Pastes the contents of the Clipboard into a graphics window.

WPRINT [, window_index]

(Microsoft Windows Only) Prints the contents of a specified window.

WREAD_DIB ( [window_index] )

(Microsoft Windows Only) Loads a Device Independent Bitmap (DIB) from a file into a graphics window.

WREAD_META ( [window_index] )

(Microsoft Windows Only) Loads a Windows metafile (WMF) into a graphics window.

WSET [, window_index]

Used to select the current window to be used by the graphics and imaging routines.

WSHOW [, window_index [, show]]

Exposes or hides the designated window. It does not automatically make the designated window the active window.

WWRITE_DIB ( [window_index] )

(Microsoft Windows Only) Saves the contents of a graphics window to a file as a Device Independent Bitmap (DIB).

WWRITE_META ( [window_index] )

(Microsoft Windows Only) Saves the contents of a graphics window to a file as a Windows metafile (WMF).