WShow Procedure

Exposes or hides the designated window.


WShow [, window_index [, show]] 

Input Parameters

window_index — (optional) The window index of the window to be hidden or exposed. If not specified, the current window is used.

show — (optional) A flag indicating whether a window is hidden or exposed:

0 — Hides the window.

1 — Exposes the window.


Iconic — (UNIX Only) If present and nonzero, turns the window into an icon.


WSHOW does not automatically make the specified window the active window — the window into which new graphics are drawn. You can use WSet to specify the active window.


The definition of “hidden” is machine-dependent. On Sun Workstations, for example, the window disappears, although it can still be written to if it is the active window. On machines supporting the X Window System server, the window is simply pushed to the back of the window display list so that it appears to be located behind other windows on the display.

See Also


System Variables: !D.Window