Widget Toolbox Routines

WtAddCallback (widget, reason, callback [, client_data] )

Registers a PV‑WAVE callback routine for a given widget.

WtAddHandler (widget, eventmask, handler [, client_data] )

Registers the X event handler function for a given widget.

WtClose (widget)

Closes the current Xt (Motif) session, and destroys all children of the top-level widget created in WtInit. This routine can also be used to destroy additional widget trees.

WtCreate (name, class, parent [, argv] )

Creates a widget or shell instance specified by widget class.

WtCursor (function, widget [, index] )

Sets or changes the cursor.

WtGet (widget [, resource] )

Retrieves widget resources.

WtInit (app_name, appclass_name [, Xserverargs ...] )

Initializes the Widget Toolbox and the Xt toolkit, opens the display, and creates the first top-level shell.

WtInput (function [, parameters] )

Registers a PV‑WAVE input source handler procedure.

WtList (function, widget [, parameters] )

Controls the characteristics of scrolling list widgets.


Maps a KeyPress or KeyRelease event to its KeyEvent structure (and optionally, to its Keysym) when a user presses a key.


Handles the dispatching of events and calling of PV‑WAVE callback routines.


Handles the dispatching of events.

WtPointer (function, widget [, parameters] )

The pointer utility function.

WtPreview(action, widget)

Handles utility functions for the preview widget (XvnPreview).

WtProcessEvent( )

Handles the dispatching of a Widget Toolbox event.


Queries, creates, saves, or modifies the widget resource database.

WtSet (widget, argv)

Sets widget resources.

WtTable (function, widget [, parameters] )

Modifies an xbaeMatrix class widget.

WtTimer (function, params, [client_data] )

Registers a callback function for a given timer.

WtWorkProc (function, parameters)

Registers a PV‑WAVE work procedure for background processing.