WtMainLoop Function

Handles the dispatching of events.


status = WtMainLoop( )

Input Parameters


Output Parameters


Returned Value

status — One (1) indicates success; zero (0) indicates failure.


Noblock — If specified and nonzero, events are dispatched in the background, and WtMainLoop returns immediately to process PV‑WAVE commands from the command line.


The WtLoop function can be called to accomplish the same result as WtMainLoop. WtMainLoop has been retained to provide upward compatibility with an earlier release of PV‑WAVE, but it is recommended that you use WtLoop, instead.


Rogue Wave has ported a subset of the Widget Toolbox (Wt) functionality that is available for Motif to Microsoft Windows. Because the Widget Toolbox under Windows is not a complete implementation, we recommend that Windows developers use the PV‑WAVE Widgets (Ww) layer or the VDA Tools when developing GUI applications.

See Also


For detailed information on GUI development, refer to the PV‑WAVE Application Developer’s Guide.

For more information about how to write an application program based on the PV‑WAVE Widget Toolbox, refer to Using the Widget Toolbox in the PV‑WAVE Application Developer’s Guide.