HDF Routines

GETNCERR ( [errstr,] )

Retrieves the current value of the “ncerr” variable as discussed in the error section of the NetCDF User’s Guide.


Retrieves the current value of the ncopts variable as discussed in the error section of the NetCDF User’s Guide.

HDFGET24 (filename, image)

Obtains an HDF Raster 24 image.

HDFGETANN (filename, tag, ref)

Obtains HDF object (e.g., an SDS, Raster 8 image, etc.) annotations, either a label or a description.


Obtains an HDF file annotation, either label or description.


Obtains the HDF number type (i.e., data type) and descriptive number type string for the current HDF Scientific Data Set.

HDFGETR8 (filename, image, palette)

Obtains an HDF Raster 8 image and associated palette.

HDFGETRANGE (maxvalue, minvalue)

Gets the maximum and minimum range for the current HDF Scientific Data Set.

HDFGETSDS (filename, data)

Gets an HDF Scientific Data Set.

HDFLCT, palette

Loads an HDF palette as a PV‑WAVE color table.

HDFPUT24 (filename, image)

Puts an HDF Raster 24 image into an HDF file.


Inserts HDF file labels and file descriptions (annotations) into a file.

HDFPUTR8 (filename, image)

Writes an 8 bit image to an HDF file.

HDFPUTSDS (filename, data)

Writes a Scientific Data Set to an HDF file.

HDFSCAN, filename

Scans an HDF file and prints a simple list of file contents by HDF object type.


Computes and sets the HDF number type (i.e., data type) and descriptive number type string for the specified data array.


A batch file used to initialize the HDF interface. See PV-WAVE HDF Interface for more information.


Runs the PV‑WAVE HDF test suite.

SETNCOPTS, new_ncopts

Sets the value of the ncopts variable and defines the level of error reporting for the netCDF functions as discussed in the error section of the NetCDF User’s Guide.