HDFGET24 Function

Obtains an HDF Raster 24 image.

Restriction: See "Supported Platforms Guide" on the PV-WAVE Documentation website to check if this function is available on your operating system.


    status = HDFGET24 (filename, image)

Input Parameters

filename—The name of the HDF file.

Output Parameters

image—A byte array into which the HDF Raster 24 image is placed.

Return Value

status—The status of the function call, where:

  • SUCCEED (0)—Indicates success.

  • FAIL (–1)—Indicates failure.


Help—If present and nonzero, lists the usage for this routine.

Interlace—Set the HDF interlace scheme to use in reading the image. Possible values include:




The default will be the interlace scheme used when the image was written to the file.

Usage—If present and nonzero, lists the usage for this routine. (Same as the Help keyword.)


HDFGET24 obtains an HDF Raster 24 image from the named HDF file. HDFGET24 reads the current (or first) Raster 24 image in the file and positions the HDF active pointer to the next Raster 24 image. You can read all Raster 24 images in an HDF file using successive calls to HDFGET24. The return status is set to FAIL when the function reads beyond the last Raster 24 image.


testfile = !Data_dir + '/raster24.hdf'
status = DF24RESTART()
IF (status EQ FAIL) THEN $
   MESSAGE, 'Failed at DF24restart for HDFGET24.'
status = HDFGET24(testfile, image, interlace=DFIL_PLANE)
IF (status EQ FAIL) THEN $
   MESSAGE, 'HDFGET24 failed.' $
ELSE LOADCT, 0 & TV, image, True=3

See Also


Also refer to the following routines in the HDF Reference Manual:


For more information on using the HDF interface and the calling sequence for the entire suite of HDF base functions, refer to PV-WAVE HDF Interface.

For a complete list of the HDF convenience routines, refer to Functional Summary of Routines.