PV-WAVE Foundation > VDA Tools > WzMultiView > Default View Attributes Dialog Box (WzMultiView)
Default View Attributes Dialog Box (WzMultiView)
This dialog box is used to change the characteristics of view objects drawn in the WzMultiView graphics area.
Fill—When this button is selected, view objects are filled with the color selected with the Fill Color option.
Fill Color—Brings up the Fill Color dialog box. Use this dialog box to select a fill color for the view objects in your plot. If you change a color, the change is reflected in corresponding color square in the View Object Attributes dialog box. This option is grayed out unless the Fill button is selected.
Line Color—Brings up the Line Color dialog box. Use this window to select a color for view object borders. If you change a color, the change is reflected in corresponding color square in the View Object Attributes dialog box.
Line Thickness—Enter a value for the line thickness. A value of 1 is the default, 2 is double-wide, and so on.
Line Style—Select one of the standard PV‑WAVE linestyles from the option menu.
The default linestyle is None. If you want a border to appear around view objects, you must select a linestyle other than None.
Coordinate System—Lets you choose a coordinate system to use to position the view object in the view window.
When a view element is added to the WzMultiView tool which contains graphical elements (lines, boxes, legends, or axes) that are not in data coordinates, those objects are improperly displayed inside WzMultiView. To correct this problem, change the coordinate system of the dislocated objects to Data in the tool which contains the graphical elements.
Endpoints—Lets you enter specific endpoints for the upper-left and lower-right corners of the selected view object. (This feature is not available in the Default View Object Attributes dialog box.)
Associated Tool—Displays the graphics from the selected VDA Tool in the view object. (This feature is not available in the Default View Object Attributes dialog box.)
OK—Apply the selected attributes, and exit the dialog box.
Apply—Apply the selected attributes, but do not exit the dialog box.
Cancel—Dismiss the dialog box without taking any action.
Help—Display online Help on the dialog box.