PV-WAVE Foundation > VDA Tools
VDA Tools
VDA Tools are easy to use. They provide you with access to most of the Visual Data Analysis potential of PV‑WAVE without the use of programming or complicated command line interaction.
Using VDA Tools you can import data from a file, read the data into PV‑WAVE variables, subset variables, display them graphically or as images, print your results, and save your results.
The topics in this document are organized as follows:
*Welcome to PV-WAVE VDA Tools!—Provides an overview of the VDA Tools.
*Navigator—Discusses Navigator, which combines the VDA Tools into a single application.
*WzAnimate—Discusses the WzAnimate tool, which is used to display a sequence of images.
*WzBar—Discusses the WzBar tool, which is used to create a variety of bar charts.
*WzBar3D—Discusses the WzBar3D tool, which is used to visualize relative quantities in small 2D datasets.
*WzColorEdit—Discusses the WzColorEdit tool, which is used to select and set the image and plot colors for displaying data.
*WzContour—Discusses the WzContour tool, which is used to display one 2D variable containing contour data.
*WzExport—Discusses the WzExport tool, which saves a variable in a file in the format that you specify.
*WzHistogram—Discusses the WzHistogram tool, which is used to visualize quantitative trends in large amounts of 1D, 2D, or 3D data.
*WzImage—Discusses WzImage, which is used to display a variable containing image data.
*WzImport—Discusses the WzImport tool, which is used to read your external data files into PV-WAVE variables on the $MAIN$ program level.
*WzMultiView—Discusses WzMultiView, which lets you arrange and annotate multiple plots in a single drawing area.
*WzPie—Discusses the WzPie tool, which is used to visualize relative quantities in small 1D datasets.
*WzPlot—Discusses the WzPlot tool, which is used to plot one or more variables.
*WzPreview—Discusses WzPreview, which is a VDA Tool for interactively providing PV-WAVE with information about the organization of an external ASCII data file.
*WzSurface—Discusses WzSurface, which is used to display one 2D variable containing surface data.
*WzTable—Discusses the WzTable tool, which is used to view the numeric values of a variable as a table.
*WzVariable—Discusses the WzVariable tool, which is used to organize and manage variables.
*Glossary—Defines frequently used terms in the VDA Tools documentation.