Transposes the input array.
This operation performs best when the system variable !CACHE accurately reflects cache sizes on the host machine.
result = TRANSPOSE(array)
Input Parameters
array—The array to be transposed. The input array can have any number of dimensions.
Returned Value
result—The transposed array.
Dimension—A vector of two integers (n 0) designating the dimensions to transpose. Default: [0,1]
TRANSPOSE is used to interchange two dimensions of an array, most commonly the rows and columns of a matrix. For vectors and co-vectors, TRANSPOSE can be used to change from one to the other, but it is more efficient to use REFORM for this purpose.
Example 1
a = INDGEN(2,3)
PM, a
; PV-WAVE prints the following:
;   0       2       4
;   1       3       5
; PV-WAVE prints the following:
;   0       1
;   2       3
;   4       5
Example 2
OPENR, lun, !Dir + '/demo/gallery3/data/aerial_demo.img', /Get_lun
aerial_img = BYTARR(512,512)
READU, lun, aerial_img
WINDOW, Xsize=512, Ysize=512, /Free, Title='Original Image'
TVSCL, aerial_img
WINDOW, Xsize=512, Ysize=512, /Free, Title='Transposed Image'
TVSCL, TRANSPOSE(aerial_img)
Figure 17-1: Transposed Image shows what an aerial image looks like before and after applying TRANSPOSE.
Figure 17-1: Transposed Image
Example 3
a = INDGEN(2, 4, 3)
PM, a
; PV-WAVE prints the following:
; 0       2       4       6
; 1       3       5       7
; 8      10      12      14
; 9      11      13      15
; 16      18      20      22
; 17      19      21      23
PM, TRANSPOSE(a, Dimension=[0,2])
; PV-WAVE prints the following:
; 0       2       4       6
; 8       10      12      14
; 16      18      20      22
; 1       3       5       7
; 9       11      13      15
; 17      19      21      23
See Also