LOADCT Procedure
Standard Library procedure that loads a predefined color table.
LOADCT[, table_number]
Input Parameters
table_number—(optional) A number between 0 and 18; each number is associated with a predefined color table.
Ctfile—Specifies a string containing the name of a color table file to load.
Silent—If present and nonzero, suppresses the message indicating that the color table is being loaded.
Predefined color tables are stored in the file
colors.tbl. There are 19 predefined color tables, with indices ranging from 0 to 18, as shown in
Table 10-6: Predefined Color Tablese.
For a menu listing of the color tables, call LOADCT without parameters.
; Loads the Red Temperature color table.
; Loads the Blue/Red color table without displaying a message.
LOADCT, 11, /Silent
See Also
For more information, including a comparison of LOADCT and TVLCT, see the PV‑WAVE User’s Guide.