Ax Keyword
Corresponding System Variable: None.
Specifies angle of rotation about the x-axis, in degrees, towards the viewer.
The Ax keyword parameter defaults to +30 degrees if omitted and !P.T3d is 0.
This keyword is effective only if !P.T3d is not set. If !P.T3d is set, the three-dimensional to two-dimensional transformation used by SURFACE is contained in the 4-by-4 array !P.T.
The surface represented by the two-dimensional array is first rotated, Az (see the next section) degrees about the z-axis, then by Ax degrees about the x-axis, tilting the surface towards the viewer (Ax > 0), or away from the viewer.
The 3D to 2D transformation represented by Ax and Az can be saved in !P.T by including the Save plotting keyword.