Using the XML Toolkit
This section introduces the capabilities of the PV‑WAVE XML Toolkit routines, with more details and examples in the PV‑WAVE Reference manual.
PV‑WAVE XML Toolkit functions let you import, interrogate, modify, create and export XML data. The data source and destination can either be variables in memory or physical XML files. You can use PV‑WAVE to analyze, manipulate, and visualize imported data.
Below is a list of the PV‑WAVE Toolkit routines, which can be found in the PV‑WAVE Reference:
XmlAddNode Function—Adds a node to an existing node.
XmlDocDump Procedure—Creates an XML document either in memory or to a file.
XmlEvaluate Function—Evaluates the XPATH expression.
XmlFreeDoc Function—Frees memory for parsed documents.
XmlFreeNode Function—Removes nodes and sub-nodes from documents.
XmlNewDoc Function—Creates a new XML document.
XmlNewNode Function—Creates a new XML node.
XmlParse Function—Parses an XML file or an in-memory document and builds a node tree.
XmlSetAttr Function—Adds or replaces an attribute for a node.
XmlSetContent Function—Sets content for a node.
XmlSetContext Function—Sets the context or current sub-node for queries.
SaxInit Procedure—Initiate XML SAX event handler.