PV-WAVE Foundation > User Guide > Mapping with PV-WAVE > Creating Interactive Map Applications
Creating Interactive Map Applications
The MAP_REVERSE procedure converts the X-Y coordinate output from routines like CURSOR and WtPointer into longitude and latitude coordinates. CURSOR and WtPointer return the coordinates of the cursor or pointer after a mouse click.
MAP_REVERSE cannot be used with the Satellite (3D Mapping onto a Sphere) projection.
If you are developing an interactive widget-based mapping application, look at the demonstration program map_test.pro in the directory:
(UNIX) $RW_DIR/mapping-2_0/demo
(WIN) %RW_DIR%\mapping-2_0\demo
Where RW_DIR is the main Rogue Wave installation directory.
This program uses PV‑WAVE Widgets to create an interactive mapping demonstration. You can copy this code and use it as a template for creating your own mapping applications. To run the demonstration, move to the demo directory using the PV‑WAVE CD command, then type map_test at the PV‑WAVE prompt.