Using Online Help
PV‑WAVE has an easy-to-use online help facility that allows you to find and display information on many PV‑WAVE features.
Using Online Help on UNIX
At the WAVE> prompt, enter:
This command starts PV‑WAVE’s online help system with the main Help Table of Contents displayed by default.
You can also display help on a particular PV‑WAVE command. For example, for help on the REBIN command, you can type:
To access the online help from a UNIX command prompt (after sourcing wvsetup), type:
   % wavehelp command 
where command is the name of the command you want help on.
VDA Tools Help
Context sensitive help is provided with all VDA Tools (Visual Data Analysis). Each VDA Tool has a menu bar with a Help menu. The Help menu contains the following functions:
*On Window—Displays the Help viewer with the Table of Contents for information on the VDA Tool.
*On PV-WAVE—Brings up the Table of Contents for PV‑WAVE online help. This is the full PV‑WAVE reference.
*On Help—Displays detailed information on how to use the Help system.
*On Version—Displays the PV‑WAVE version number and information on electronic services.
Help is also available from VDA Tool dialog boxes. Most dialog boxes have a Help button in the lower right-hand corner. When you click this button, the Hyperhelp viewer appears displaying information on the dialog box.
Printing from Online Help
To print information from the help system, select the Print icon from the help window, or use the Print command from your browser.
Configure the print driver using your browser utilities.
Using Online Help on Windows
At the WAVE> prompt, enter:
This command starts PV‑WAVE’s online documentation system with the main Help Table of Contents displayed by default.
You can also display help on a particular PV‑WAVE command. For example, for help on the REBIN command, you can type:
Help from the Program Manager/Start Menu
You can start the main Help Table of Contents by clicking the PV‑WAVE Help icon in the PV‑WAVE program group, or by selecting PV‑WAVE Help from the Start=>Programs=>PV‑WAVE menu.
VDA Tools Help
Context sensitive help is provided with all VDA Tools (Visual Data Analysis). Each VDA Tool has a menu bar with a Help menu. The Help menu contains the following functions:
*On Window—Displays the Help viewer with the Table of Contents for information on the VDA Tool.
*Index—Brings up the Table of Contents for PV‑WAVE online help. This is the full PV‑WAVE reference.
*On Help—Displays detailed information on how to use the Help system.
*On Version—Displays the PV‑WAVE version number and information on electronic services.
Help is also available from VDA Tool dialog boxes. Most dialog boxes have a Help button in the lower right-hand corner. When you click this button, the online help viewer appears displaying information on the dialog box.