This section contains the following topics:
*Unconstrained Minimization
*FMIN Function—(Univariate Function) Using function and possibly first derivative values.
*MIN_UNCON_GOLDEN Function—(Univariate Function) Finds the minimum point of a nonsmooth function of a single variable using the golden section search method.
*FMINV Function—(Multivariate Function) Using quasi-Newton method.
*NLINLSQ Function—(Nonlinear Least Squares) Using Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.
*Linearly Constrained Minimization
*LINEAR_PROGRAMMING Function—Minimizes the Euclidean scalar product <c,x> on Rn, for fixed c, linear constraints bl  Ax  bu, and bounds xl  x  xu.
*LINPROG Function—Dense linear programming.
*QUADPROG Function—Quadratic programming.
*MINCONGEN Function—Minimize a general objective function.
*Nonlinearly Constrained Minimization
*NONLINPROG Function—Using successive quadratic programming method.
*CONSTRAINED_NLP Function—Using a sequential equality constrained quadratic programming method.