Tutorial > Programming with PV-WAVE > Basic Data Types

Basic Data Types
Typing and binding of variables in PV-WAVE are dynamic, that is, the structure and type of data contained in a variable may change during a session. The basic data types that PV-WAVE variables may have are shown in Basic Data Types.
Table 3-1: Basic Data Types
An 8-bit, unsigned integer ranging from 0 to 255. Pixels in images are commonly represented as byte data.
A 16-bit, signed integer ranging from –32,768 to +32,767.
A 32-bit, signed integer with the range –231 to 231 – 1.
On 32-bit systems:
*A 32-bit, signed integer ranging in value from –231 to 231 – 1.
On 64-bit systems:
*A 64-bit, signed integer ranging in value from –263 to 263 – 1.
A 32-bit floating point number in the range of ±1038 on machines supporting the IEEE standard, with approximately 6-7 decimal places of significance.
A 64-bit double precision, floating point number in the range of ±1038 on machines supporting the IEEE standard, with approximately 13–14 decimal places of significance.
A real-imaginary pair using single-precision floating point numbers. Complex numbers are useful for signal processing and frequency domain filtering.
A real-imaginary pair using double-precision floating point numbers.
A sequence of alphanumeric characters, from 0 to 32,767 characters in length.
An uninitialized variable. Attempts to reference the value of an undefined variable results in an error.

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