Running and Testing the JWAVE Server
The JWAVE server includes the JWAVE Manager software, JWAVE class files, and PV‑WAVE. This section describes:
Starting the JWAVE Manager
Testing to see if the JWAVE Manager is Running
Configuring the JWAVE Manager for HTTP Connections
The third section, Configuring the JWAVE Manager for HTTP Connections, is a short, step-by-step procedure that explains how to start the JWAVE Manager as a Web server and contact the server from a client Web browser.
For more detailed information on the JWAVE Manager, see
"Setting Up the JWAVE Server".
Starting the JWAVE Manager
To start the JWAVE Manager on the JWAVE server:
note | If the JWAVE Service has been installed and configured (see
"Installing JWAVE Service"), open the Services window from the Control Panel, select JWAVE Service, then click Start to start the JWAVE Service). |
(UNIX) cd RW_DIR/jwave-3_6/bin
manager start
(WIN) cd RW_DIR\jwave-3_6\bin
manager start
where RW_DIR is the main Rogue Wave installation directory.
When it starts up, the JWAVE Manager writes information to the location currently defined for the
MANAGER_LOG parameter in the JWAVE Configuration Tool (see
MANAGER_LOG in section
"JWAVE Manager Configuration Properties"). The information in the log will vary depending on how the server is configured. Generally, the messages report all of the PV‑WAVE sessions that are started and other status information.
Parsing persistent sessions:
Session Pool is starting new session (1/1)....
[Information on individual PV-WAVE sessions started on the
server appears here...]
Waiting for connection...
For information on stopping the JWAVE Manager, see
"Shutting Down the JWAVE Manager".
Testing to See If the JWAVE Manager is Running
A simple “ping” test verifies that the JWAVE Manager is running and communicating on the server. Simply enter the following command on the same machine as the JWAVE Manager is running:
(UNIX) cd RW_DIR/jwave-3_6/bin
manager ping
(WIN) cd RW_DIR\jwave-3_6\bin
manager ping
where RW_DIR is the main Rogue Wave installation directory. If the test succeeds, the JWAVE Manager returns the following message:
PING was successful with SocketConnection(localhost:6500)
If the test fails (other message), start the JWAVE Manager as described in
"Starting the JWAVE Manager" above.
Configuring the JWAVE Manager for HTTP Connections
This section explains how to set up and test the JWAVE Manager running as a Web Server. This test allows you to ensure that JWAVE is installed properly, and provides a quick introduction to the JWAVE Manager configuration tool.
1. Start and “ping” the JWAVE Manager, as explained in the previous two sections.
2. On the same host, but in a separate shell or command window, enter the following command to start the JWAVE Manager configuration tool.
manager config
note | When the configuration tool starts, a dialog appears that informs you that you cannot save server connection parameters when the JWAVE Manager is running. Dismiss this dialog box. For this exercise, you will only change client connection parameters. |
The first panel you see is the Manager Properties panel. For now, you can leave the manager properties settings as they are. The test we are going to run requires a change to the Client Connection Info panel.
3. Click the Client Connection Info button to view the Client Connection Info panel.
note | To contact the JWAVE server via HTTP from a machine other than the machine where the server is running, you should replace <server_name> with the IP address of the server machine. If you are running the JWAVE server from a cloud-based host, you must also set the SERVER_IP address in the Manager Properties panel. This requires a shutdown and re-start of the JWAVE server. |
4. In the JWave HTTP URL text field, enter the correct URL to the JWAVE server. By default, this URL is:
where <server_name> is the name of the host where the JWAVE Manager is running.
5. Deselect the Use Socket Connection checkbox. We are going to connect to the JWAVE Web server through an HTTP connection.
6. Select the Use HTTP Connection checkbox.
7. Click the Save Configuration button, and then select the Exit command from the File menu to exit the dialog box.
8. Start a Web browser.
9. Point the browser to the following URL:
The browser displays a test page that says: “The JWAVE HTTP Server is ready to accept JWAVE connections”. This indicates that you have successfully started the JWAVE Manager as a Web server, and that you were able to reach the Web server from a client using a URL address.
10. Try pointing your browser to the JWAVE demonstration area and running some of the demonstration JWAVE applets. The URL for the demonstration area is:
Click on any of the example JWAVE applets to run them.
Allowing access to external HTTP servers
New versions of Java require that you explicitly allow access to external HTTP servers on the client. You can do this via the Java control panel (not the Java console).
To allow access to external HTTP servers, do the following:
1. Start the Java control panel:
jcontrol in a shell
On Windows:
javacpl.exe in your
java/bin directory
2. From the Security tab and click on the Edit Site List. The Exception Site List dialog appears.
3. Click the Add button and add both http://<server_name>:6580 and http://<serverIP>:6580. The port number 6580 is the default port, if you changed it in your JWAVE manager configuration use that instead. This step is required on all machines which you want to use to connect to the JWAVE server via HTTP.
You may also need to duplicate these white-list entries in your browser's security settings. The steps for doing so vary by browser.
Version 3.6
Copyright © 2017, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.