Name | Description | Value | Ref. |
amu | atomic mass unit | 1.6605655 × 10–27 kg | 1 |
ATM | standard atm. pressure | 1.01325 × 105 N/m2 (mp) | 2 |
AU | astronomical unit | 1.496 × 1011 m | |
Avogadro | Avogadro’s number, N | 6.022045 × 1023 1/mole | 1 |
Boltzman | Boltzman’s constant, k | 1.380662 × 10–23 J / K | 1 |
C | speed of light, c | 2.997924580 × 108 m/s | 1 |
Catalan | Catalan’s constant | 0.915965... (mp) | 3 |
E | base of natural logs, e | 2.718... (mp) | 3 |
ElectronCharge | electron charge, e | 1.6021892 × 10–19 C | 1 |
ElectronMass | electron mass, me | 9.109534 × 10–31 kg | 1 |
ElectronVolt | electron volt, ev | 1.6021892 × 10–19 J | 1 |
Euler | Euler’s constant, γ | 0.577... (mp) | 3 |
Faraday | Faraday constant, F | 9.648456 × 104 C/mole | 1 |
FineStructure | fine structure, α | 7.2973506 × 10–3 | 1 |
Gamma | Euler’s constant, γ | 0.577... (mp) | 3 |
Gas | gas constant, R0 | 8.31441 J/mole/K | 1 |
Gravity | gravitational constant, G | 6.6720 × 10–11 N m2 / kg2 | 1 |
Hbar | Planck’s constant / 2π | 1.0545887 × 10–34 J s | 1 |
PerfectGasVolume | std. vol. ideal gas | 2.241383 × 10–2 m3/mole | 1 |
Pi | Pi, π | 3.141... (mp) | 3 |
Planck | Planck’s constant, h | 6.626176 × 10–34 J s | 1 |
ProtonMass | proton mass, Mp | 1.6726485 × 10–27 kg | 1 |
Rydberg | Rydberg’s constant, Rinfinity | 1.097373177 × 107 /m | 1 |
Speedlight | speed of light, c | 2.997924580 × 108 m/s | 1 |
StandardGravity | standard g | 9.80665 m/s2 (mp) | 2 |
StandardPressure | standard atm. pressure | 1.01325 × 105 N/m2 (mp) | 2 |
StefanBoltzman | Stefan-Boltzman, σ | 5.67032 × 10–8 W/K4 /m2 | 1 |
WaterTriple | triple point of water | 2.7316 × 102 K | 2 |
Unit | Description |
time | day, hour = hr, min = minute, s = sec = second, year |
frequency | Hertz = Hz |
mass | AMU, g = gram, lb = pound, ounce = oz, slug |
distance | Angstrom, AU, feet = foot, in = inch, m = meter = metre, micron, mile, mill, parsec, yard |
area | acre |
volume | l = liter = litre |
force | dyne, N = Newton |
energy | BTU, Erg, J = Joule |
work | W = watt |
pressure | ATM = atmosphere, bar |
temperature | degC = Celsius, degF = Fahrenheit, degK = Kelvin |
viscosity | poise, stoke |
charge | Abcoulomb, C = Coulomb, statcoulomb |
current | A = ampere, abampere, statampere |
voltage | Abvolt, V = volt |
magnetic induction | T = Tesla, Wb = Weber |
other units | l, farad, mole, Gauss, Henry, Maxwell, Ohm |
Prefix | Definition | Value |
a | atto | 10–18 |
f | femto | 10–15 |
p | pico | 10–12 |
n | nano | 10–9 |
u | micro | 10–6 |
m | milli | 10–3 |
c | centi | 10–2 |
d | deci | 10–1 |
dk | deca | 102 |
k | kilo | 103 |
myria | 104 | |
mega | 106 | |
g | giga | 109 |
t | tera | 1012 |
PM, CONSTANT('gamma')
; PV-WAVE prints: 0.577216
c1 = CONSTANT('SpeedLight', 'meter/second')
c2 = CONSTANT('SpeedLight', 'mile/second')
c3 = CONSTANT('SpeedLight', 'cm/ns')
PM, 'speed of light = ', c1, c2, c3, $
Title =' meters/second ' + $
'miles/second cm/ns'