JWAVE User Guide > JWAVE Convenience Wrappers > JWAVE_PLOT Function   

JWAVE_PLOT Function   
This JWAVE wrapper function provides a convenient interface to the PV‑WAVE PLOT procedure. This function always returns a Viewable object (a 2D plot) to the JWAVE Java client.
This section lists the parameters that the JWAVE_PLOT wrapper can retrieve, unpack, and use to produce a 2D plot. These parameters correspond to the parameters and keywords of the PV‑WAVE PLOT procedure. You must set these parameters in the client application with the JWaveView.setParam method.
Y—(required) A 1D array. If only this parameter is supplied, Y is plotted on the vertical axis as a function of the number of points. In other words, unit spacing is assumed along the horizontal axis.
X—A 1D array. If both positional parameters are supplied, the first variable is the independent variable, and it is plotted along the horizontal axis. The second variable is the dependent variable, and it is plotted along the vertical axis (as a function of the independent variable).
Yn—You can produce overlays of up to nine additional plot lines by specifying parameters [ , Y1, Y2, ... Y9 ].
Xn—You can produce overlays of additional plot lines by specifying parameters [ , X1, X2, ... X9 ] for the dependent variables. These are only used if their corresponding Yn value is set. If a Yn is set and an Xn is not set, then the value for X is used (or unit spacing if X is not set).
Scaling—Specifies the type of axis scaling for the plot.
*0—Produces a simple XY plot with linear axes. Corresponds to the PLOT procedure. (Default)
*1—Produces an XY plot with logarithmic scaling on the y-axis and linear scaling on the x-axis. Corresponds to the PLOT_IO procedure.
*2—Produces an XY plot with linear scaling on the y-axis and logarithmic scaling on the x-axis. Corresponds to the PLOT_OI procedure.
*3—Produces an XY plot with logarithmic scaling on both the x-axis and the y-axis. Corresponds to the PLOT_OO procedure.
Keyword Parameters
This section lists the keyword parameters that can be retrieved and unpacked in this wrapper function. For detailed information on these keywords, refer to Keyword and Named Color Parameters.
* Solid_Psym
* Symsize
* Clip
* Thick
* Linestyle
* Noclip
* Nsum
* Polar
* Psym
* These parameters can be used to specify the properties of specific overlay plot lines. For example, if the overlay parameter Y1 is specified, then Psym1 sets the plot symbols for that particular data. In other words, by appending a number {1–9} after these particular keywords, you associate the keyword with data having the same suffix. Note that if Y1 is specified, but Psym1 is not specified, then Y1 is plotted using the value of Psym (no suffix) or its default.
Named Color Parameters
These parameters must be set by the JWAVE client Java application with the JWaveView.setNamedColor method.
This wrapper returns a Viewable object (of a 2D plot) to the JWAVE Java client application.
In the client Java application, the setParam method is used to set the parameters to be passed to this JWAVE wrapper on the server. JWAVE_PLOT unpacks the parameters and builds a PV‑WAVE PLOT command to produce a 2D plot.
These lines of Java code set the name of the wrapper function and some parameters. These lines of code would appear in the JWAVE client application.
JWaveView myJWaveView = new JWaveView(connection, ”JWAVE_PLOT”) 
myJWaveView.setParam(”Y”, myArray); 
myJWaveView.setParam(”CHARSIZE”, 2); 
myJWaveView.setParam(”TITLE”, ”CO2 Content”); 
myJWaveView.setNamedColor(”BACKGROUND”, java.awt.Color.blue); 
Y is a positional parameter; CHARSIZE and TITLE are keyword parameters. The JWAVE_PLOT wrapper function knows how to retrieve these parameters, construct a 2D plot, and return a Viewable object to the client.
See Also
For more information on using JWAVE wrapper functions, see JWAVE Server Development.
For more information on the PV‑WAVE PLOT procedure, see the PV‑WAVE Reference.

Version 3.6
Copyright © 2017, Rogue Wave Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.