JWAVE User Guide > JWAVE Convenience Wrappers

JWAVE Convenience Wrappers
This section describes a set of JWAVE wrappers that are provided by Rogue Wave. These wrappers are provided primarily to give JWAVE client developers a way to access the basic PV‑WAVE graphics routines without having to write their own JWAVE wrappers.
The JWAVE wrappers described in this appendix include:
* JWAVE_BAR3D Function—Produces a 3D bar chart.
* JWAVE_CONTOUR Function—Produces a contour plot.
* JWAVE_HISTOGRAM Function—Produces a histogram plot.
* JWAVE_LOADCT Procedure—Loads a specified color table.
* JWAVE_PIE Function—Produces a pie chart.
* JWAVE_PLOT Function—Produces 2D plots.
* JWAVE_SURFACE Function—Produces surface plots.
You can use these wrappers just like any JWAVE wrappers. This appendix tells you specifically which parameters the wrappers can accept.
For example, to use the JWAVE_PLOT wrapper, set the JWAVE wrapper function to JWAVE_PLOT in the client application:
Then, use the setParam method to set the parameters you wish to pass to the wrapper. For example:
setParam(”X”, an_array); 
setParam(”TITLE”, ”The Plot Title”); 

Version 3.6
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