Setting the URL of the Agent
The Agent URL is defined by the connector properties host and port. By default, the host property is commented out for all connectors. In the absence of this property, the Agent listens on all interfaces defined for the host machine. To have the Agent listen on a particular interface, uncomment this property and set the value you want.
The connector does not explicitly set the scheme for the transport it handles. This is assumed knowledge. That is, if a client wants to send an HTTP message, it must know to send the message to the host and port defined for the http connector. If you are using a HydraExpress client, the generated code for the client knows about the defined transports and the connector hosts and ports associated with each transport.
The URL below represents the endpoint for an HTTP message sent to an Agent in its default configuration. The servicecontextname and servicename variables depend on the WSDL file for a particular service. If you use the HydraExpress code generator rwsfgen to generate code for the service, these values are created for you.