The Generated Abstract Base Class
The base class DayOfWeekPortTypeBase is located in the include\DayOfWeekExample directory. Following is an excerpt.
DayOfWeekPortTypeBase : public rwsf::MessageHandlerImp //1
virtual ~DayOfWeekPortTypeBase();
virtual void init(const rwsf::Config& initParams); //2
virtual void destroy();
virtual std::string getDayOfWeek(rwsf::CallInfo& callInfo, //3
const std::string& date_in) = 0;
* If the assertion fails, create and throw a rwsf::Exception
* exceptionwith the given fault string
void serverAssert(bool assertion, const RWCString& msg) const; //4
//1 Inherits from rwsf::MessageHandlerImp.
//2 The virtual functions init() and destroy() may or may not be overridden.
//3 Pure virtual function representing the operation in the WSDL. The derived implementation must override this function to implement the GetDayOfWeek operation.
//4 If assertion is false, creates and throws a rwsf::ServerFault object with the fault string msg.