The Client Proxy
Class GreetingBindingProxy is the generated client proxy for the HelloWorld service. It provides five methods for each operation specified in the WSDL file. One pair of methods implements synchronous behavior, and the remaining three methods implement asynchronous behavior.
Excerpt from the client proxy for the HelloWorld service, GreetingBindingProxy.h, located in the generated HelloWorldExample\include\HelloWorldExample directory:
std::string sayHello(const std::string& hellorequest_in); //1
std::string sayHello(rwsf::CallInfo& callInfo, const std::string& //2
rwsf::AsyncHandle sayHelloStart(const std::string& hellorequest_in); //3
rwsf::AsyncHandle sayHelloStart(rwsf::CallInfo& info, //4
const std::string& hellorequest_in);
std::string sayHelloEnd(rwsf::AsyncHandle& handle); //5
To send a message to the Web service, we must construct an instance of the proxy and invoke either the synchronous or asynchronous method(s) that correspond to the WSDL operation. The method returns the values defined in the WSDL file for the response message.