HydraExpress User Guide : PART I Introduction : Chapter 2 Setup : The HydraExpress Directory Structure
The HydraExpress Directory Structure
The HydraExpress installation features a clear separation between development and the deployment and testing directory hierarchies to ensure ease of use as well as intuitive migration between project stages, smooth integration with various technologies, and support for different platforms and versions.
In addition, HydraExpress directories are designed to be clearly separate from any custom files or directories that you may add to accommodate your development project.
The HydraExpress directories contain libraries in both release and debug versions. Release libraries are marked 12d, debug libraries are marked 15d. When you build a HydraExpress project, the 12d libraries are used by default and the project includes a 12d directory that contains artifacts from the release build.
The 15d libraries allow you to build projects in debug mode. The project then builds in debug mode and includes a 15d directory that contains artifacts from the debug build.
Your installation directory should contain the following subdirectories:
Contains information about 3rd-party software used in HydraExpress.
Contains deployed HydraExpress services and servlets.
Contains HydraExpress and third-party shared libraries, and a number of scripts used by HydraExpress.
Contains configuration files used by the HydraExpress Agent and other project components, as well as platform configuration files and templates used in code generation.
Contains the HydraExpress documentation.
Contains the HydraExpress C++ header files. This directory includes public interfaces for classes used internally by HydraExpress. For a list of classes that are part of the public API, see the HydraExpress C++ API Reference Guide.
Contains Java jars used internally by HydraExpress, including jars for 3rd-party software.
Contains libraries used internally by HydraExpress and libraries linked in user code.
Contains demonstrations and examples to help you become more familiar with HydraExpress