HydraExpress User Guide : PART II The HydraExpress Agent : Chapter 4 Agent Administration : Starting and Stopping the Agent
Starting and Stopping the Agent
Once you have set up a command window with the HydraExpress environment, as explained in Chapter 2 , you can start and stop the Agent using the script rwsfserver. In the installation, this script is located in the <installdir>\bin directory. The example below shows the syntax to start and stop the Agent on both Windows and UNIX:
rwsfserver start
rwsfserver stop
In addition, rwsfserver takes the following options:
To return help: -? | -h | -help
To start in debug mode: -d | --debug
To direct the Agent to start using an alternative rwagent.xml file:
-c <path_to_alternative_rwagent.xml_file>
For example:
rwsfserver -c conf\agent1\rwagent1.xml start