Creating and Using Custom Objects
This section presents a very simple example of how to include a named object in a service. It uses the DayOfWeek example as a basis. Below are the four steps described in this example. They are the same basic steps needed for the creation and use of any named object.
1. Create some code for a simple string object.
2. Create an entry point into the code by defining a create() method.
3. The dayofweek_objects.xml file is expanded to define this object.
4. The DayOfWeek service code obtains and returns the string object.
Creating the String Object
You first need to create the object that will be loaded into the Agent. Here is the code that creates a string object.
#include <rwsf/core/NamedObject.h>
#include <rwsf/core/Config.h>
#include <rwsf/core/CString.h>
class MyString {
MyString() {}
MyString(const std::string& str) : str_(str) {}
std::string getStr() const {
return str_;
void init(const rwsf::Config& initParams) {
str_ = initParams.getInitParameter("aString");
std::string str_;
init() method is
required to be in the class that serves as the entry point to your code because the Agent calls this method at startup, passing an
rwsf::Config object containing any initialization parameters obtained from the
objects.xml file. See
“Configuring the Named Object” below.
Creating an Entry Point to the Object
For the HydraExpress Agent to load an object, the shared library that contains the object must have a well-defined entry point in the form of a create() method.
extern "C" {
RWSF_CORE_EXPORT rwsf::NamedObjectImp* createMyString() {
return new rwsf::PointerNamedObjectImp<MyString>(new MyString(),true);
At a minimum, the above method and the
MyString class must be compiled into a shared library, and the HydraExpress Agent must be able to locate this shared library at startup. To learn more about the support for named objects, see class
rwsf::NamedObject in the
HydraExpress C++ API Reference Guide.
Configuring the Named Object
The string object is configured in the objects.xml file. The configuration can contain any number of initialization parameters.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<naming-name>MyString</naming-name> 1
<naming-class>string.createMyString</naming-class> 2
<param-name>aString</param-name> 3
<param-value>It might be Wednesday</param-value> 4
At HydraExpress Agent startup, the initialization parameters defined for the named object are placed into an
rwsf::Config object, which is passed to the
init() method for the named object.
Using the Named Object
If you have done everything as described in the previous sections, an object named MyString should be registered in the HydraExpress Agent global naming context. Here is how you would use it in your server implementation code:
std::string DayOfWeekPortTypeImp::getDayOfWeek(rwsf::CallInfo& callInfo,
const std::string& date_in)
rwsf::NamingContext* c =
rwsf::NamingContext::getGlobalInstance(); //1
rwsf::NamedObject obj = c->lookup("MyString"); //2
MyString *str; //3
rwsf::naming_extract<MyString>(obj,str); //4
return std::string(str->getStr()); //5
For descriptions of the classes
rwsf::NamingContext and
rwsf::NamedObject, see the
HydraExpress C++ API Reference Guide.
The basic steps to creating and using a named object are:
1. Identify the object you want to use, coding it if necessary.
2. Create an entry point -- a create() method -- in the shared library that contains the object.
3. Configure the named object in objects.xml.
4. Obtain and use the object in your implementation code.
By analogy with the process described above, you should be able create a named object for any useful code available to you.