Validation Provided during Code Generation
HydraExpress provides a number of validation features at both code generation time and runtime. This section discusses WSDL and schema validation that occurs during code generation, as well as validation of the SOAP message.
WSDL Validation
At code generation time, HydraExpress produces errors and warnings for some invalid WSDL. Errors halt the generation process; warnings are treated as diagnostic messages only, so the generator attempts to produce code from any WSDL document, regardless of whether it is valid. Providing an invalid document to the generator may result in code that does not compile.
NOTE >> Errors halt the code generation process by default. You may override this with the switch
-nohaltonerror; however using this switch may result in code generation errors or uncompilable code. See
“Generator Options.” Schema Validation
Also at code generation time, HydraExpress forwards any schema validation errors or warnings from its internal processor to the standard output. As discussed in
“WSDL Validation” , errors halt the generation process, while warnings are treated as diagnostic messages only.
SOAP Message Validation
By default, components created by HydraExpress produce SOAP 1.1 messages. Generated components provide structural validation of the messages described in the WSDL file. Components will not produce a message that violates the described XML structure. When a generated component receives a message that does not follow the correct structure, the component throws an exception derived from