Element | Contains | Description |
web-app | (context-param) (listener) (error-page) (filter) (filter-mapping) (servlet) (servlet-mapping) (session-config) (mime-mapping) | Root element for a configuration file. All other elements in a configuration file are contained within the web-app element. |
Element | Contains | Description |
context-param | param-name param-value | Root element for a context parameter. |
param-name | Name | Contains the name of the parameter. |
param-value | Value | Contains the value of the parameter. |
Element | Contains | Description |
listener | listener-class | Root element for a listener. |
listener-class | dllName.createFunction | Load information for the listener. The dllName component is the name of the DLL or shared library that contains the compiled listener. The createFunction component is the name of the function the servlet container calls to construct an instance of the listener. |
Element | Contains | Description |
error-page | error-code location | Defines a static page for the servlet container to return to the client when the server returns an error. |
error-code | HttpErrorCode | Contains the numeric HTTP error code this error-page element applies to. For example, 500 specifies that the error-page handles internal server errors. |
location | PathToFile or FileURL | Contains the location of the error-page. For example, /500error.htm declares that the error-page is a file named 500error.htm located at the root level of the context. A value of http://otherserver/404.html declares that the document at that URL contains the error‑page. |
Element | Contains | Description |
filter | filter-name filter-class (init-param) | Root element for a filter. For a description of the init-param element, see Table 14 . |
filter-name | Name | Contains the name of the filter. Other elements in the configuration file refer to the filter by name. |
filter-class | dllName.createFunction | Load information for the filter. The dllName component is the name of the DLL or shared library that contains the compiled listener. The createFunction component is the name of the function the servlet container calls to construct an instance of the filter. |
Element | Contains | Description |
filter-mapping | filter-name url-pattern | Root element for a filter mapping. |
filter-name | Name | Contains the name of the filter to map. The name must match a name declared within a filter element. |
url-pattern | Pattern | Contains the URL pattern to associate with the filter. |
Element | Contains | Description |
init-param | param-name param-value | Root element for a parameter. |
param-name | Name | Contains the name of the parameter. |
param-value | Value | Contains the value of the parameter. |
Element | Contains | Description |
servlet | servlet-name servlet-class (init-param) | Root element for a servlet. Note: If the element contains the attribute single-thread=”true”, only one thread at a time will enter the servlet. |
servlet-name | Name | Contains the name of the servlet. Other elements in the configuration file refer to the servlet by name. |
servlet-class | dllName.createFunction | Load information for the servlet. The dllName component is the name of the DLL or shared library that contains the compiled servlet. The createFunction component is the name of the function the servlet container calls to construct an instance of the servlet. |
Element | Contains | Description |
servlet-mapping | servlet-name url-pattern | Root element for a servlet mapping. |
servlet-name | Name | Contains the name of the servlet to map. The name must match a name declared within a servlet element. |
url-pattern | Pattern | Contains the URL pattern to associate with the servlet. |